Intel e Ericsson fazem parceria para desenvolver infraestrutura 5G otimizada de próxima geração

Intel and Ericsson Partner to Develop Optimized Next-Gen 5G Infrastructure

Intel announced a strategic collaboration agreement with Ericsson to use Intel's 18A process and manufacturing technology for Ericsson's future optimized next-generation 5G infrastructure.

As part of the agreement, Intel will manufacture custom 5G (system-on-chip) SoCs for Ericsson to create highly differentiated, leading products for future 5G infrastructures. Additionally, the companies will expand their collaboration to optimize 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable Processors with Intel vRAN Boost for Ericsson's Cloud RAN (Radio Access Network) solutions to help communications service providers increase network capacity. network and energy efficiency, while gaining greater flexibility and scalability.

“As our work together evolves, this is a significant milestone for Ericsson to establish a broad partnership on its optimized next-generation 5G infrastructure,” said Sachin Katti, senior vice president and general manager of Intel’s Network and Edge group. “This agreement exemplifies our shared vision to innovate and transform network connectivity and reinforces customers’ growing confidence in our manufacturing process and technology.”

The 18A is Intel's most advanced node on the company's five-node, four-year roadmap. After the new gate-all-around transistor architecture (known as RibbonFET) and rear power delivery (called PowerVia) first appear in the Intel 20A, Intel will offer ribbon architecture innovation and increased performance along with reduced continuous width of the metal line at 18A.

Combined, these technologies will put Intel back in the process leadership position by 2025, elevating the future offerings its customers will bring to market.

“Ericsson has a long history of close collaboration with Intel and we are pleased to expand this further as we leverage Intel to manufacture our future custom 5G SoCs on its 18A process node, which is in line with the strategy Ericsson’s long-term vision for a more resilient and sustainable supply chain environment,” said Fredrik Jejdling, Executive Vice President and Head of Networks at Ericsson. “Additionally, we will expand our collaboration announced at MWC 2023 to work together with the ecosystem to accelerate open RAN at industrial scale using standard Intel Xeon-based platforms.”

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