Terms of service

Compraço establishes as a Quality Policy the commitment to the specified requirements, promoting the continuous improvement of the quality management system in the supply of its products and services, aiming at customer satisfaction.

We reserve the right to change the general, technical and aesthetic characteristics, or introduce improvements to our products at any time, without incurring the obligation to do the same for products in stock or already sold. The products are listed and approved by the main world standards and support Compraço's philosophy of always offering customers the best in the world, with guaranteed technical support in all processes.

The service offered by COMPRAÇO consists of a platform that makes it available to buyers who use iron and steel as raw material for their business. Through various tools offered by the site, buyers can make their purchase or request quotes.

To answer any kind of complaint or doubt arising from any item or components of the Compraco products, the company is at your disposal via email: contato@compraco.com.br, or through the website: https://compraco.com. br