Planalto clarifies: Instruction for Haddad to read less and Alckmin to speed up was a joke

Planalto clarifies: Instruction for Haddad to read less and Alckmin to speed up was a joke

Clarifications from Planalto: Lula's "Joke" and the focus on the Believe Program

Contextualizing the President's "Joke"

During breakfast with journalists this Tuesday (April 23, 2024), the minister of Secom, Paulo Pimenta, provided clarifications about the comments made by President Lula that generated repercussions in the media. Pimenta criticized the attention given by the press to a "joke" by Lula during the launch of the Believe program, which aims to facilitate access to credit for micro and small companies. According to the minister, media coverage diverted the focus from important initiatives announced at the event.

The joke in question

At Monday's event, Lula made remarks directed at Vice President Geraldo Alckmin and Finance Minister Fernando Haddad, suggesting that they should engage more actively with Congress to ensure the necessary political effectiveness. Pimenta emphasized that these comments were made in jest and that any interpretation of serious criticism is a mistake, resulting from a lack of "good will" and "common sense".

The Program believes

The focus of the Believe program, which was overshadowed by the coverage of the "joke", is a vital initiative for the Brazilian economy, mainly in supporting micro and small businesses. This program seeks to facilitate access to credit for these companies, which are essential for generating jobs and economic growth in the country.

The role of political dialogue

The president's statements at the event also served to reinforce the importance of political dialogue and negotiation, elements that he described as fundamental to governance in a democratic environment. Lula highlighted the need for his ministers, including Alckmin and Haddad, to become more directly involved in conversations with legislators to advance the government's legislative agendas.

Importance of Legislative engagement

The emphasis on the need for greater interaction with Congress reflects the reality of a government that seeks to implement broad reforms and programs. Without effective engagement, important projects like Crédito can face significant obstacles, limiting their potential impact.


Minister Paulo Pimenta's clarification serves as a reminder that comments made in an informal context can often be misinterpreted or exaggerated by the media. It is crucial to remain focused on the substantive initiatives these declarations are intended to promote, especially when they involve efforts to strengthen the economy and support vital sectors. Do you believe that?

We invite you to participate in the discussion about how political dialogue and initiatives such as the Believe program can transform the business environment for micro and small companies in Brazil. Share your opinions and questions in the comments below.

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