Petrobras reactivates fertilizer factory and sells assets

Petrobras reactivates fertilizer factory and sells assets

Strategies and Impacts of the Sale of Assets by Petrobras in the Cherne and Bagre Fields"

The recent decision by Petrobras (PETR4) to sell its stake in the Cherne and Bagre fields in the Campos Basin reflects a significant strategy of portfolio restructuring and focus on more profitable assets. This movement, announced on Thursday (18), is part of a broader effort by the Brazilian state-owned company to optimize its operations and financing.

Petrobras Transaction Details and Strategy

Petrobras confirmed the full transfer of its stake in the Cherne and Bagre fields to Perenco Petróleo e Gás do Brasil Ltda. These fields, which have been inactive since March 2020 with their platforms hibernated, were sold for US$10 million. This agreement includes an initial payment of US$1 million upon signing and the remainder upon completion of the transaction.

IMPORTANT: The sale of these fields is a clear example of Petrobras' strategy of divestment in shallow water assets, which are less productive and profitable, to concentrate efforts in deep and ultra-deep waters, where the company has a greater competitive advantage.

Impact on the Fertilizer Sector and Dividends from other companies

In addition to the sale of the fields, Petrobras also announced the reactivation of the Araucária Nitrogenados S/A – ANSA fertilizer factory, located in Paraná. This move can be seen as an attempt to diversify operations and improve national self-sufficiency in fertilizers, crucial for Brazilian agriculture.

IMPORTANT: The reactivation of ANSA follows the trend of strengthening food security and reducing dependence on imports, especially in a context of global volatility.

Relevant Questions:

  1. What are the expected economic benefits for Petrobras from the sale of these fields?
    • The sale of these assets should allow Petrobras to reallocate resources to more profitable and strategic projects, improving its operational and financial efficiency.
  2. How does the reactivation of ANSA impact the fertilizer market in Brazil?
    • The resumption of ANSA's activities should increase the local supply of fertilizers, potentially stabilizing prices and benefiting the Brazilian agricultural sector, which is one of the pillars of the country's economy.

Other movements in the Market

Shares of other companies were also highlighted, such as RD and Valid, which announced the distribution of dividends, reflecting an attitude of returning value to shareholders. Additionally, Lavvi reported a significant increase in sales, highlighting a recovery in the real estate sector.

IMPORTANT: These financial movements of companies listed on the stock market are indicative of corporate health and confidence in the Brazilian economic scenario.


The sale of the Cherne and Bagre fields by Petrobras marks an important point in the company's reorganization strategy, aiming for greater efficiency and focus on higher return assets. Along with the reactivation of ANSA and the movements of other companies, there is a panorama of significant strategic adjustments in the Brazilian corporate market.

What are your perspectives on the recent movements of Petrobras and other Brazilian companies? How do you think these actions will influence the market in the long term? Share your opinions and analysis in the comments below.

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