Bolsonaro arrives driving a tractor at Feira Norte Show in Mato Grosso

Bolsonaro arrives driving a tractor at Feira Norte Show in Mato Grosso

Bolsonaro in Action: Driving a tractor visiting the Feira Norte Show in Mato Grosso

During a remarkable visit to the Norte Show fair in Sinop, Mato Grosso, former president Jair Bolsonaro demonstrated his proximity to the agricultural sector by driving a tractor. This event, which took place on Wednesday (April 17, 2024), highlighted the importance of family farming, precision agriculture and livestock farming in the region. This was Bolsonaro's second visit to the state this month, underlining his continued involvement with important sectors of the Brazilian economy.

Striking arrival and popular support

Even before arriving at the fair, Bolsonaro was already awaited by a crowd of supporters at Sinop airport, demonstrating his continued popularity in certain regions of Brazil. After the warm welcome, he participated in a motorcycle ride through the city's squares, an event that was attended by his son, federal deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro.

Crucial point: Bolsonaro's ability to mobilize supporters at public events continues to be an important facet of his political image.

Focus on agriculture and livestock

The Norte Show fair is a crucial event for the region's agricultural sector, and Bolsonaro's presence highlights the significant role that agriculture and livestock play in local and national economic development. By actively participating, driving a tractor, Bolsonaro reinforces his connection with farmers and ranchers, sectors that have often expressed strong support for his previous government.

Relevant Questions:

  1. What is the political impact of Bolsonaro's frequent visits to agricultural regions?
    • Frequent visits can reinforce political support among farmers and ranchers, consolidating a strong electoral base in these areas. They also serve to keep Bolsonaro visible on the national political scene, potentially influencing debates and policies related to the agricultural sector.
  2. How can the image of Bolsonaro driving a tractor influence public perception?
    • This type of image tends to reinforce his identity as a politician aligned with the interests and culture of agribusiness, in addition to highlighting an image of active leadership and directly involved with the foundations of the Brazilian economy.


Bolsonaro's visit to the Norte Show fair and his direct participation in local activities, such as driving a tractor, reinforce his connection with the agricultural sector and his support base. These events are not only demonstrations of continued support but also effective strategies for maintaining their political relevance in Brazil.

How do you think Bolsonaro's active participation in events like the Norte Show fair influences agricultural policy and the local economy? Leave your comment below and contribute to the conversation about the interaction between politics and agriculture in Brazil.

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