Tabela precisa de tolerância de espessura para aço laminado a frio

Accurate thickness tolerance table for cold rolled steel

The thickness tolerance of cold-rolled stainless steel plates must comply with corresponding standards. It is advisable to purchase cold-rolled steel sheets with varying thickness tolerances as per your requirement.

In this article, the thickness tolerance of cold-rolled steel sheets is specified based on the national standards GBT24.511-2017 and GBT3280-2015, which detail the minimum acceptable steel sheet thickness in accordance with the PTA standard for accuracy of thickness.

The thickness of cold rolled steel plates generally ranges from less than 6mm, with popular thicknesses of 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5 .0 and 6.0 mm.

Cold-rolled steel sheets with different thicknesses and finishes have varying thickness tolerance requirements.

According to the general thickness accuracy standard GB/T3280-2015 for cold-rolled stainless steel plates and strips, the actual thickness of 304 cold-rolled steel plates with a thickness of 1 mm and a width of 1219 mm should not be less than 0.9 mm.

The following table lists the thickness tolerance requirements of common cold-rolled steel plates based on the national standard GB/T3280-2015 and common thickness accuracy standards:

Table 1 Thickness tolerance of cold rolled steel sheet

According to GB/T3280-2015 Cold rolled stainless steel plate and strip, PT. A (i.e. normal thickness accuracy)

Theoretical thickness Width box
1000 or 1219 ② 1500 2000
0.5① ≥0.45③ ≥0.42
0.8 ≥0.71 ≥0.7
1 ≥0.9 ≥0.88
1.2 ≥1.1 ≥1.08 ≥1.08
1.5 ≥1.38 ≥1.35 ≥1.35
two ≥1.83 ≥1.8 ≥1.8
2.5 ≥2.28 ≥2.25 ≥2.25
3 ≥2.78 ≥2.75 ≥2.75
4 ≥3.65 ≥3.6 ≥3.6
5 ≥4.6 ≥4.55 ≥4.55
6 ≥5.6 ≥5.55 ≥5.55


  1. Unit: mm
  2. ① refers to the theoretical thickness of the steel plate, which is also the thickness commonly used in written descriptions. For example, 304 * 1000 * 2000 = 1, meaning a piece of 304 stainless steel plate with a thickness of 3 mm, a width of 1 m and a length of 2 m.
    ② The width of the steel plate is 1219 mm or 1.219 m.
    ③ The minimum value that the actual thickness of the steel plate must reach in accordance with the corresponding standards.

For example, ≥0.45 means that the actual thickness of the steel plate marked as 0.5mm must be greater than or equal to 0.45mm.

The following table lists the thickness tolerance requirements of common cold-rolled steel plates based on the national standard GB/T24511-2017 and common thickness accuracy standards:

Table 2 Thickness tolerance of cold rolled steel sheet

According to GB/T24511-2017 Heat-resistant and stainless steel plates and strips for pressure equipment (PT. A)

Theoretical thickness Width Box
1000② 1219 1500 or 2000
1.5① ≥1.42③ ≥1.41 ≥1.4
two ≥1.92 ≥1.91 ≥1.9
2.5 ≥2.41 ≥2.4 ≥2.39
3 ≥2.89 ≥2.88 ≥2.88
4 ≥3.87 ≥3.86mm ≥3.86
5 ≥4.86 ≥4.85 ≥4.85
6 ≥5.85 ≥5.84 ≥5.84
8 ≥7.84 ≥7.83 ≥7.83


  1. Unit: mm
  2. ① refers to the theoretical thickness of the steel plate, which is also the thickness commonly used in written descriptions. For example, 304 1.5 * 1000 * 2000 = 1, meaning a piece of 304 stainless steel plate with a thickness of 1.5 mm, a width of 1 m and a length of 2 m.
    ② The width of the steel plate is 1000mm or 1m.
    ③ The minimum value that the actual thickness of the steel plate must reach in accordance with the corresponding standards.

For example, 1.42 means that the actual thickness of the steel plate marked as 1.5mm must be greater than or equal to 1.42mm.

The thickness tolerance of cold rolled stainless steel plates has set standards to be followed. It is advisable to choose and purchase cold-rolled steel sheets with varying thickness tolerances as required.

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