Design and Manufacture of Automatic Drain Cleaning System using Solar Panel

Water is the basic need for the existence of life on earth. Despite 70% water on earth, most of the water is not suitable for drinking. There is a great demand for clean water as it is used for various purposes such as drinking, bathing, cleaning, cooking, etc. The impurities present in water can cause serious health problems that can harm human life. The main function of the automatic drainage system is to collect, transport, as well as dispose of solid waste in the dustbin with the help of grabs. Solid waste in drainage water includes empty bottles, polythene bags, papers etc. water can lead to blockage of the drainage system. To avoid such a situation, these impurities must be removed from time to time for continuous flow of drainage water. The drain can be cleaned continuously with the help of the model using the drive system to remove solid waste and dispose of it in the trash bucket. This project was designed with the aim of starting the efficient functioning of the system. This design automatically cleans the water from the drainage system every time an impurity appears, and the claws driven by the chain sprocket grab the solid waste and throw it into the trash bucket to avoid clogging. It also reduces the cost of manual labor and also reduces the threat to human life.


Automatic Drain Water Cleaning overcomes all types of drainage problems and promotes blockage-free drains by promoting continuous flow of drain water. In the modern era, there have been adequate sewage problems where sewage water needs to be segregated to clean the surrounding environment. The waste and gases produced by industries are very harmful to humans and the environment. Our proposed system is used to clean and control the drainage level using automatic mechanism technique.

In the current era, automation plays a very important role in all industrial applications as proper disposal of industrial and domestic sewage is still a challenging task. Drainage pipes are used for proper disposal of waste and unfortunately sometimes there may be threat to human life while clearing blockages in drainage pipes or it may cause serious health problems due to pertinent problems like malaria, dengue fever, etc. To overcome this problem and also to save human lives, we implemented a project “Automatic Drain Cleaning System”. We have designed our project in such a way to use it efficiently to control waste disposal along with regular filtration of drains, removal of solid waste in order to avoid blockages in drains to promote continuous flow of drainage water which ultimately reduces the threat to human life.

Design and Manufacture of Automatic Drain Cleaning System Using Solar Panel Design and Manufacture of Automatic Drain Cleaning System Using Solar Panel



  • Production cost is low
  • No need to buy heavy machines
  • Reduces the threat to human life
  • Manual assistance is not required
  • The principle is very easy.
  • Compress
  • Portable.
  • Highly efficient


  • Rust
  • Flat solar panel
  • Jail jerks


  • Can be installed for domestic sewage treatment.
  • It can be used for the proper treatment of sewage and also to prevent drains from clogging.
  • It is portable and compact, which makes it easy to use.
  • No manual assistance required.

Reference and download:

Design and Manufacture of Automatic Drain Cleaning System Using Solar Panel

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