Tipos de cimento – uma discussão detalhada

Types of cement – ​​a detailed discussion

The classification of cement types is done according to different standards such as ASTM, ACI, BS, etc. There are significant differences in the classification system.

However, almost all classification systems are based on the function for which they are used.

Let's start with the general classification of the different types of cement.

Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)

Ordinary Portland cement is the most commonly used type of cement throughout the world. It is widely used and easily available due to its large-scale usage. OPC is also called Portland cement.

OPC is a combination of materials such as lime, silica, aluminum oxide, iron oxide, etc. The following table indicates the composition of the material.

Lime (CaO) 60 to 67%
Silicon dioxide (SiO 2 ) 17 to 25%
Aluminum oxide (Al 2 Ó 3 ) 3 to 8%
Iron oxide (Fe 2 Ó 3 ) 0.5 to 6%
Magnesia (MgO) 0.1 to 4%
Sulfur trioxide (SO 3 ) 1 to 3%

Portland pozzalan cement (PPC)

Portland pozzolanic cement is a combination of ordinary Portland cement, gypsum and pozzolanic substances in certain proportions.

Portland pozzolan cement is used in the construction of hydraulic structures and structures close to the sea. It has a good surface and can be made in different designs. Due to its fineness it is also suitable for cleaning work. Furthermore, the use of PPC in prestressing and prestressing construction deserves to be highlighted.

Fast hardening cement

As the name suggests, fast-setting types of cement can be identified as types of cement that gain strength quickly. This is also the type of Portland cement that has been modified to gain strength quickly.

Fast-setting cement is mainly used in structures that need to harden quickly. The type of cement is selected depending on the type of structure.

For example, if we replace the bearing plate of an existing bridge, we may need to install a leveling screed. Reinforcement may be needed within 12 hours as the bridge must be open to traffic. In these situations we use quick-setting cement.

Fast-setting types of cement are able to resist chemical attacks such as sulfate attacks.

Low heat cement

Low heat cement is the type of cement that produces low heat of hydration. In general, the heat of hydration increases as the thickness of the element increases. As the volume of concrete increases, a lot of heat is generated.

When the temperature rise of concrete exceeds 70-75 0 C there is the possibility of formation of delayed ettringites. Therefore, reducing the heat of hydration is essential. Therefore the use of low temperature cement is encouraged.

The Low Heat Cement article could be investigated for more information.

Sulfate resistant cement

Sulfates can be contained in groundwater or soil. For environmental reasons, waste disposal can result in the accumulation of sulfates. Furthermore, seawater contains significant amounts of sulfates.

When building in these environments, types of cement that resist sulfate attack must be used. There are special types of cement whose chemical composition has been modified to make them more resistant to chemical attacks.

To reduce the specific strength, the content of tricalcium aluminate (C3A) and tetracalcium aluminum ferrite (C4AF) is reduced in these types of cement.

These types of cement reduce reinforcement corrosion and increase the durability of the structure. Furthermore, this type of cement develops lower heat of hydration.

Fast-setting cement

This cement quickly develops compressive strength.

Aluminum sulfate is added during grinding of cement clinker. Aluminum sulfate accelerates the setting of concrete.

Due to the shorter setting time of concrete compared to OPC concrete, it can be used for underwater concrete work and in cold climates where an early increase in strength is required.

These types of cement are more suitable for repair work than for structures where a rapid increase in strength is required.

Blast Furnace Slag Cement

Blast furnace slab cement is a type of cement made by mixing normal Portland cement and blast furnace slag. Blast furnace slab is used to make steel.

Blast furnace slab cement is useful for reducing heat of hydration and for sulfate and chloride resistant buildings and marine structures.

Furthermore, blast furnace slab cement is suitable for structures that require lower concrete permeability. These types of cement can be used to build retaining walls, water retaining structures, tunnels, etc. Due to the fineness of the cement, it is easy to process and has only minor bleeding effects.

Cement with high alumina content

Alumina cement is made from calcium aluminate, while ordinary Portland cement is made from calcium silicate.

It is made from limestone or chalk and bauxite, a clay with a high aluminum oxide content. Alumina cement contains a high content of lime and aluminum oxide.

Below are some of the main features of alumina cement.

  • High chemical resistance and low pH values.
  • High resistance to corrosion of reinforcement
  • High durability
  • Recharge your batteries early
  • Ability to withstand high temperatures

White cement

White cement is one of the cement types of common Portland cement. It is also called white Portland cement or ordinary white Portland cement.

The only difference between white cement and regular Portland cement is the color change from gray to white.

The main advantage of white cement is the decorative property necessary for architectural design.

Air-entraining cement

Air-entraining cement is a type of cement used to make air-entraining concrete. Air-entraining concrete can also be produced by adding an air-entraining agent.

Some of the main characteristics of air-entraining concrete are as follows.

  • High processability
  • The use of air-entraining agents increases resistance
  • Improve resistance to freezing and thawing
  • Sulfate resistance
  • High permeability
  • Dew resistance
  • Reduction of bleeding and segregation

swollen cement

Expandable cement is generally based on Portland cement with an expandable component.

When expandable cement is mixed with water and made into molding compound, it tends to expand (significantly increase density) compared to Portland cement.

There are different types of expandable cement such as type K expandable cement, type M expandable cement and type S expandable cement.

Hydrographic cement

Hydrographic cement is made by grinding Portland cement clinker with a film-forming substance such as oleic acid to reduce the rate of disintegration of the cement when stored in an unfavorable environment.

Mainly used in tunnel construction. Furthermore, these types of cement are used in the construction of dams, spillways, underwater structures, etc.

The construction of sewage wells, roof panels, water treatment plants, etc. It can also be done with hydrographic cement.

Other different types of cement

There are also other methods for classifying cement. The following guidelines are considered basic standards.

  • ASTM C150 – Standard Specification for Portland Cement
  • ASTM C595 – Standard Specification for Mixed Hydraulic Cement
  • ASTM C1157 – Performance-Based Standard for Cement Categorization
  • BS EN 197 – 1:2011 – Cement
  • BS 8500 – 1:2015+A1:2016 – Concrete – British Standard Supplementary to BS EN 206

The following types of cement are classified according to ASTM standards.

  • Cement with high sulfate resistance
  • Portland limestone cement
  • Ternary mixed cement

There are also various cement combinations available in accordance with BS EN 197 and BS 850 – 1:2015+A1:2016.

For more information, you can read the following related articles.

  • Cement and cement additives
  • Low heat cement

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