Tipos de fundações utilizadas na construção

Types of foundations used in construction

Types of foundations built at shallower depths fall into this category. While everyone is familiar with the term foundation, let's look at the most important factors related to design and construction.

Let's see what it's like.

Footings are types of foundations designed to support the superstructure of buildings or other structures and to safely transfer loads acting on the structure to the soil.

There are numerous classifications for foundations. Let's see which foundations are the most important.

  • Continuous foundation – can be a reinforced concrete or rubble stone foundation
  • Isolated support
  • Combined underground
  • strip foundation
  • Strap foot
  • The base of the raft
  • Pile Foundation – Pile foundations are sometimes considered S-shaped foundations. However, they may also be called deep foundations rather than shallow foundations.

Let us discuss the types of foundations in detail. Of all the above foundations, all the foundations are reinforced concrete foundations. However, sometimes continuous foundations can also be constructed as rubble foundations.

Continuous foundation

Most often built to support continuous walls. The wall can be made of bricks, blocks or rubble masonry.

Continuous foundations are constructed like rubble foundations to support the walls of buildings. However, when the soil is weak and there is a possibility of excessive settlement, we build a concrete slab foundation or remove the foundations to reduce the soil pressure under the foundation.

This strip is made of reinforced concrete and is called a continuous foundation.

Insulated foundations

Insulated foundations are also called insulated foundations and are considered one of the Strip Foundations . It is the most commonly constructed concrete foundation in the construction industry.

Additionally, the most economical types of foundations are other types of foundations built to support the structures.

Depending on the design and construction arrangement, there are different types of individual foundations.

  • Evenly thick base
  • Increased thickness (foundation thickness increases towards the column to improve flexural and shear capacity.
  • Stepped foundation. There are steps on top of the foundation to increase the thickness.

Combined underground

The combination of two supports for the same foundation is called a combined foundation.

However, slab foundations, strip foundations, etc. They are also sometimes called combined foundations.

A combined foundation deck was constructed for the following reasons.

  • When columns are too close to each other
  • When the bearing capacity of the soil is low, foundations are combined to obtain a larger foundation area.
  • If it is necessary to build edge supports into the foundation, we build a combined foundation that connects the internal column foundations.

These types of foundations are commonly used across the world. Combined foundations are most commonly used in construction. Unlike individual foundations, a combined foundation must have double reinforcing grids to accommodate bending and bending moments.

strip foundation

A combination of multiple supports and the construction of a single foundation results in the strip foundation.

These types of foundations are constructed when the bearing capacity of the soil is low or when increased bearing load requires a larger foundation area.

As with combined foundations, this type of foundation requires two reinforcement networks (top and bottom).

If the applied loads are greater, a thicker foundation will be required. In these cases, we combine all the columns and footings in the middle of the foundation. The beam supports the bending moment and shear forces. The foundation can only be constructed as a beam cantilever.

Belt foundations

Strip foundations are created when edge supports are present. The foundation cannot be extended to other properties. Support must be created at the edge of the foundation.

The eccentrically loaded foundations are connected to the internal column foundations by a strap beam. The combination of foundation and strap beam is called strap foundation. This type of foundation cannot be avoided even with limited building space, as in most cases we extend buildings to the property line.

The article on Brace foot For more information, see this page.

The base of the raft

A slab foundation is a shallow foundation and is considered a concrete foundation. It is a reinforced concrete foundation built into the ground.

If we cannot construct the building on individual or strip foundations, we will have to choose a mat foundation. This is the last option as a shallow base.

Building slab foundations is a little more challenging compared to individual foundations, which can be constructed manually. Computer modeling of slab foundations is the simplest method. The solid can also be modeled using the software.

The article mat foundation For more information about this type of foundation, please contact us.

Factors to Consider When Designing Foundations

  • Soil types: Soil types are very important when planning and building a foundation because it rests entirely on the ground. Immediate settlement When designing, post-construction and long-term settlements that can occur in clay soils must be taken into account.
  • Other settlement : Different settlements of the foundation must be avoided. Foundation types are very susceptible to these settlements. The designer must ensure that there is the same pressure under the foundation.
  • Consolidation Processing: The biggest challenge in development is managing the Foundation Consolidation Processing . Instead of considering settlement, necessary measures should be taken to avoid minimizing foundation settlement. Methods such as clayey soil replacement, prestressing, vacuum compaction, etc. must be considered by the designer during planning and construction.

Related Articles on Foundation Types

  • Combined underground
  • Surface foundation
  • Shallow foundations
  • pillar foundation
  • Foundations
  • Deep foundations
  • Foundation failure
  • support
  • Eccentrically loaded foundations
  • Shallow foundation failure
  • Pile slab foundations
  • mat base
  • Foundation pile
  • Driven pile foundations
  • Pile foundations
  • Buoyancy pressure in foundations
  • How to determine the type of foundation
  • Excavation for foundation
  • Foundation waterproofing
  • Laying shallow foundations
  • Slab foundations

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