How Technical Specifications Make Construction Drawings Easier to Understand

When we think of construction design, we tend to imagine architects and engineers drawing up construction plans. Although plans are essential, they alone are not enough to describe exactly what is needed – some information is too extensive or detailed to be included directly in the drawings.

To be complete, a set of design documents must also include technical specifications. These specifications are detailed descriptions prepared by an architect or engineer for the contractor, indicating all requirements that cannot be represented or described clearly on drawings.

  • A project will only be accepted if it meets the design specifications. In other words, they are mandatory for the corresponding project, even if their requirements exceed local building codes.
  • The opposite does not apply: Architects and engineers cannot design a project that falls below the minimum performance requirements of applicable building codes. If this happens, the New York City Department of Buildings rejects the construction documents and returns them for redrafting.

Without specifications, customer requirements cannot be communicated effectively to contractors. In addition to being code compliant, design documents must also provide clear instructions for completing the project as envisioned by the owner.

Make sure your project design is well documented.

Project specifications are contractual documents, which gives them legal status. They are also useful after the project is complete: property managers use them as a reference for building maintenance and improvements. Ideally, all building modifications should be reflected in drawings and specifications so that they remain useful – outdated documents are not very useful in a building that has been extensively modified.

Well-written specifications also improve project communication: misunderstandings between the client and contractor are less likely if they have a clear reference document.

Best practices when writing specifications

When writing project documents, you must follow the seven C's: clear, concise, correct, complete, comprehensive, consistent and coordinated. These apply not only to textual documents, but also to information provided directly in drawings and tables.

The Seven Cs



Use plain English to make construction documents understandable to all parties involved. To avoid confusion and clarifications, technical and legal language should only be used when necessary.


The text should avoid repetitions and unnecessary words, but this should not be exaggerated to the point of omitting important information. For example, a description such as “Contractors installing equipment on site shall ensure that such equipment is, in all cases, installed plumb and level in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and specifications” might be shortened to just “install equipment of plumb and leveling” and no information is missing.


The professional who writes the specifications must ensure that they provide correct information. Particular attention should be paid to code section numbers and other cross-references. However, there is no need to copy the entire text when another document is referenced.


Project specifications should not assume that the reader already knows an important fact – all relevant references should be included. For example, an industry-specific equipment classification is meaningless unless the corresponding standard is mentioned.


Specifications must cover requirements in sufficient depth, avoiding excessive and irrelevant information. For example, relevant characteristics of the equipment must be described, but it makes no sense to describe functions that are not used in the project.


Terminology and style should not change between different sections of a specification document. This improves readability and avoids misunderstandings.


Project teams must work together to avoid contradictions and conflicts between different sections of a specification document. Coordination becomes much simpler with modern design and project management software.

Better understanding plans and specifications

Design projects typically have a dedicated specifications document, but note that additional requirements are often written into construction plans. Typically, the first page of plans provides general notes, and additional notes can be found in plans dealing with specific building systems or in tables of materials.

It is always advisable to carry out the first article inspection procedure before moving forward with approving construction plans. Construction plans use symbols, abbreviations, and numbered notes to improve clarity and save time. The meanings of these symbols and abbreviations are usually given in tables, which accompany the plans. The design team should not assume the meanings of symbols and abbreviations without checking the reference table, as many are not subject to standards and are freely chosen by designers. Of course, designers should also make their drawings clear – good practice is to keep symbols and abbreviations consistent for a given set of documents.

Design documents must provide all the information necessary to build the project correctly. No one should have to guess the requirements, and if they do, it means the information is misleading or unavailable. Employees and contractors should not limit themselves to reading only the sections related to their technical area, as they must understand how their work interacts with that of other professionals.

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