Ataque químico ao concreto: causas, efeitos, prevenção

Chemical attack on concrete: causes, effects, prevention

Concrete, a fundamental construction material, is known for its durability and resistance. However, it is not immune to chemical attack, which can significantly compromise its integrity over time. In this article, we will analyze chemical attacks on concrete and examine their causes, effects, and effective preventative measures.

Concrete is a versatile building material made from cement, water and aggregates. Although incredibly resilient, it can be vulnerable to chemical attack, especially in certain environments.

What is chemical attack on concrete?

Chemical attack on concrete is the deterioration or decomposition of concrete structures due to exposure to aggressive chemicals.

Concrete is a widely used construction material known for its strength and durability. However, contact with certain chemicals can cause damage.

Chemical attacks can occur in various environments and result in structural damage or a reduction in the useful life of concrete.

There are several common types of chemical attacks on concrete:

  • Acid attack

Acidic substances such as sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid or acidic industrial wastewater can react with the calcium hydroxide and calcium silicate hydrates present in concrete.

This chemical reaction weakens the concrete matrix, causing it to degrade, crack and lose its structural integrity.

Acid attacks are a problem in industries such as chemical processing, wastewater treatment and battery manufacturing.

  • Alkaline aggregate reaction (AAR)

AAR is a chemical reaction that occurs between alkaline cement paste and certain minerals or reactive aggregates present in concrete.

This reaction can lead to the formation of expansive substances such as alkaline silica gel, causing internal pressure and cracks in the concrete. Alkaline aggregate reaction can lead to reduced durability and structural problems.

  • Sulfate attack

Sulfates present in soil, groundwater, or external sources can react with the calcium aluminate compounds in cement, resulting in the formation of expansive sulfate compounds.

This reaction can cause cracking, weakening and deterioration of the concrete. Sulfate attack is a common problem in underground structures, marine environments and areas with high sulfate levels in the soil.

  • Chloride attack

Chlorides, commonly found in seawater, de-icing salts or industrial environments, can penetrate concrete and reach embedded steel reinforcement.

When chlorides come into contact with steel, they can corrode which leads to the spread of rust and subsequent cracking in the concrete pavement.

Chloride attacks are a significant problem in coastal areas and where road salt is used.

  • Carbonation

Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) from the atmosphere can penetrate concrete and react with calcium hydroxide, reducing the pH of the concrete.

This process is called Carbonation and can reduce the passivity of embedded steel reinforcement, making it more susceptible to corrosion.

Carbonation is a slow, time-consuming process that can degrade concrete structures over time.

Causes of chemical attacks

Chemical attacks on concrete can have several causes and are often related to the presence of aggressive chemicals and environmental conditions. Here are the main causes of chemical attacks on concrete:

Contact with aggressive chemicals

The most common cause of chemical attack on concrete is contact with aggressive chemicals. These chemicals can come from a variety of sources, including industrial processes, wastewater, agricultural runoff, and chemical spills.

Examples of harsh chemicals include acids, bases, sulfates, chlorides, and chemical solvents.

Environmental conditions

The environment in which concrete structures are built plays a significant role in chemical attacks.

For example, chloride attacks can occur in marine environments with high salinity, while sulfate attacks can occur in areas with high sulfate levels in the soil.

The pH and moisture content of the environment can also influence chemical reactions.

Wrong selection of materials

Using inappropriate or inconsistent concrete mixes can cause structures to become more vulnerable to chemical attack.

For example, failure to use sulfate-resistant cement in areas with high sulfate concentrations can result in sulfate attacks. To ensure concrete's resistance to certain chemicals, the correct selection of materials is crucial.

Lack of protective measures

Failure to provide protective coatings or coatings to concrete surfaces exposed to harsh chemicals can leave the concrete vulnerable to attack.

Protective measures such as epoxy coatings or acid-resistant coatings can create a barrier between the concrete and chemicals.

Biological factors

In humid environments, the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria, algae and fungi on concrete surfaces can contribute to biological attacks.

These microorganisms produce acidic byproducts that can chemically break down concrete.

Temperature extremes

Extreme temperatures, such as those that occur during fires, can lead to thermal stresses and chemical changes in concrete.

The rapid heating and cooling of concrete during a fire can cause cracking and spalling.

Moisture penetration

Moisture plays a crucial role in promoting chemical reactions in concrete. Water can carry aggressive chemicals into the pore structure of concrete, allowing them to react with cementitious materials and aggregates.

Construction defects

Improper construction practices, such as inadequate curing, improper placement of concrete, or inadequate coverage of concrete reinforcement, can result in the weakening of the concrete structure, making it more vulnerable to chemical attack.

Aging and wear

Over time, concrete structures can naturally deteriorate due to aging, wear and environmental influences. As concrete ages, its resistance to chemical influences may decrease.

Chemical attack on concreteChemical attack on concrete

Effects of a chemical attack

Chemical attacks on concrete can manifest themselves in several ways, causing visible and structural damage. Understanding these impacts is important to assess the extent of the damage and plan appropriate repairs and maintenance.

Surface deterioration

One of the most visible effects of chemical attacks on concrete is the deterioration of the surface. This may include:

  • Scaling : Spalling occurs when the top layer of concrete chips or peels, leaving a rough, uneven surface. This not only affects the appearance of the structure, but also exposes the internal concrete layers to additional damage.
  • spalling : spalling is a more serious form of surface damage in which larger pieces of concrete break away from the surface. This can create dangerous conditions in high-traffic areas and significantly compromise the structural integrity of the concrete.
  • Cracking : Chemical attacks can cause cracks to form on the concrete surface. These cracks not only compromise the aesthetics of the structure, but also provide an opportunity for additional chemicals and moisture to penetrate deeper into the concrete and worsen the damage.

Structural weakening

In addition to surface effects, chemical attacks can weaken the structural integrity of concrete. This poses serious safety risks and can result in costly repairs or even complete replacement of the affected structure. Structural impacts include:

  • Reduced load-bearing capacity : When chemical attacks corrode the steel reinforcement of concrete, the steel loses its strength and the concrete loses its ability to carry loads effectively. This can lead to structural failures, especially in critical infrastructure.
  • Loss of durability : The chemical reactions that occur during an attack can weaken the concrete's bonds, thus weakening its overall integrity. durability . This can cause concrete structures to age prematurely and require frequent repairs.

Increased maintenance costs

The effects of chemical attacks lead to increased maintenance costs for concrete structures.

Repairing damaged concrete, restoring structural integrity and preventing further deterioration can be costly and time-consuming.

Furthermore, frequent maintenance and repair work can disrupt operations and cause inconvenience to residents or users of affected buildings.

Effects on longevity

Chemical attacks can significantly reduce the expected lifespan of concrete structures. Instead of operating reliably for decades, structures may have to be replaced prematurely, resulting in significant financial burdens for property owners and communities.

From aesthetic degradation to structural weakening and environmental issues, these attacks represent a serious challenge to the longevity and safety of concrete structures. Preventative measures and timely maintenance are essential to mitigate these impacts and ensure the durability of concrete in various environments.


Preventing chemical attacks on concrete requires a combination of careful planning, material selection, construction practices and ongoing maintenance. Here are some measures and strategies to prevent chemical attacks on concrete:

Material selection:

  • Choose the right concrete mix with adequate resistance to certain chemicals. Consider using sulfate-resistant cement, high-performance concrete, or chemical-resistant additives as appropriate.
  • Modern concrete specification methods based on exposure conditions, reinforcement coverage, concrete grade, minimum cement content, etc. could be adopted.
  • Select aggregates that are chemically stable and will not react in the expected environment.
  • The use of groundwater or other water sources must be tested before being used to mix concrete.

Protective coatings and linings:

  • Apply protective coatings or coatings to concrete surfaces exposed to harsh chemicals. Epoxy, polyurethane or acid-resistant coatings can act as a barrier and protect concrete from contact with chemicals.
  • Ensure coatings are applied correctly and maintained over time.

Concrete Mix Design:

  • Opt for a low water-cement ratio in the concrete mix to increase density and reduce permeability.
  • Use pozzolanic materials, such as fly ash or silica fume, to improve the chemical resistance of concrete.

Proper construction practices:

  • Provide an adequate concrete covering over the steel reinforcement to protect it from corrosion by chlorides or other corrosive substances.
  • Use appropriate curing methods to prevent surface cracking and improve the durability of the concrete.

Drainage and waterproofing:

  • Implement effective drainage systems to prevent water and harsh chemicals from accumulating or penetrating the concrete.
  • Impermeable structures if necessary to minimize moisture ingress.

Seal joints and cracks:

  • Seal joints and cracks in concrete structures to prevent the penetration of chemicals and moisture. Use appropriate sealants and repair methods.

Chemical Compatibility Test:

  • Perform compatibility tests to determine how certain chemicals react with the concrete mix and any coatings or protective coatings.
  • Based on the test results, adjust the concrete mix and protective measures accordingly.

Proper waste treatment:

  • In industrial environments, properly handle and dispose of hazardous chemicals and waste to prevent accidental spills or leaks onto concrete surfaces.

Regular maintenance and inspection:

  • Establish a regular maintenance program to inspect concrete structures for signs of chemical degradation or damage.
  • Correct any problems immediately to prevent further deterioration.

Monitoring and testing:

  • Implement monitoring systems to continually assess the condition of concrete structures exposed to aggressive chemicals.
  • Regularly test concrete samples from the structure to ensure resistance to chemical attack is maintained.

Train the team:

  • Train your personnel who work on or near concrete structures to use chemicals safely and report any problems immediately.

Environmental controls:

  • Consider environmental control measures, such as controlling the pH of water in industrial processes or reducing exposure to harsh chemicals.

Designed for Durability:

  • During the design phase, consider durability as a primary factor and incorporate chemical attack mitigation strategies into the structural design.

Preventing chemical attacks on concrete requires a holistic approach that begins with thoughtful design and material selection, progresses through construction and protective measures, and includes ongoing monitoring and maintenance.

By implementing these measures, it is possible to significantly extend the service life and performance of concrete structures in chemically aggressive environments.

In summary, chemical attacks on concrete are a significant problem in the construction industry. Understanding the causes and effects of these attacks is essential to maintaining the longevity and safety of concrete structures. By taking preventative measures and ensuring adequate maintenance, we can mitigate the risks associated with chemical attacks on concrete.

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