Lewandowski says there will be no more escapes like those in Mossoró

Lewandowski says there will be no more escapes like those in Mossoró

Ricardo Lewandowski announces investments and reinforcements in the security of the Penitentiary System

The Minister of Justice and Public Security, Ricardo Lewandowski, assured during a hearing in the Chamber of Deputies that strict measures are being taken following the escape of inmates from the Mossoró maximum security prison. What were the failures highlighted by the minister that contributed to the escape of prisoners?

  • Security Failures: Lewandowski pointed out that there was a "relaxation of vigilance" during the Carnival period, including breaches of security protocols, lack of daily searches and obsolescence of equipment such as video cameras and lights.
  • Corrective Measures: After the incident, the minister ordered the removal of the penitentiary management and announced the construction of walls in all federal maximum security units, the installation of cameras with facial recognition and the expansion of alarm systems.

What did the minister highlight as the main measure to prevent future escapes and reinforce security in maximum security federal prisons?

  • Construction of Walls: Lewandowski announced the construction of walls in all five maximum security federal units, aiming to strengthen security and prevent similar escapes in the future.

Despite some criticism, Ricardo Lewandowski defended President Lula's veto of sections of the project on the temporary "leavings" of prisoners. Which points were maintained and which were vetoed by the president?

  • Maintained: Lula maintained the right to "leave" for semi-open regime prisoners to visit family, but prohibited temporary release for those convicted of heinous and violent crimes.
  • Vetoed: The president vetoed sections that allowed the temporary release of dangerous prisoners who committed violent crimes, in addition to toughening prison terms for those convicted of heinous crimes, preventing them from carrying out outside work without direct supervision.

What are the next steps after the presidential veto and how could this affect legislation on the subject?

  • Reevaluation in Congress: The part of the law that was vetoed will be reevaluated by Congress, which could override the president's veto, which could significantly impact legislation on the subject.

In addition to the measures announced by Minister Ricardo Lewandowski, which are essential to strengthen security in federal prisons, there are several other actions that can be adopted to improve the Brazilian prison system and make it more reliable:

  1. Investment in Infrastructure: Modernization and expansion of prison facilities, ensuring adequate accommodation, hygiene and safety conditions for inmates and prison staff.
  2. Resocialization Policies: Implementation of educational, vocational and resocialization programs to prepare inmates for reintegration into society after serving their sentence.
  3. Valuing Prison Officers: Better salaries, working conditions and training for prison officers, ensuring a safer and more professional working environment.
  4. Monitoring and Inspection: Reinforcement of camera monitoring, access control and electronic surveillance systems to prevent escapes and guarantee security in prisons.
  5. Development of Alternatives to Prison: Investment in alternative sentencing programs, such as electronic monitoring and community sentences, to reduce overcrowding and structural problems in prisons.
  6. Combating Corruption and Organized Crime: Strengthening the institutions responsible for managing the prison system, combating corruption and organized crime inside and outside prisons.

These measures, together with those announced by the minister, can significantly contribute to making the Brazilian prison system more efficient, fair and safe.

Concluding the News

The investment and measures announced by Minister Ricardo Lewandowski represent a decisive response to the challenges faced by the federal penitentiary system. With the promise of building walls, installing facial recognition cameras and strengthening security, it is expected that maximum security prisons can prevent future escapes and guarantee the integrity of the prison system.

Furthermore, the defense of the presidential veto on temporary "outings" for prisoners signals a concern for public safety and the prevention of violent crimes. The reevaluation of these vetoes by Congress will be crucial to determine the future of criminal execution policies in the country.

What do you think about the measures announced by Minister Ricardo Lewandowski to strengthen security in the federal penitentiary system? Share your opinions and comments below!

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