Declare Certo 2024 - IRPF guidance campaign

Declare Certo 2024 - IRPF guidance campaign

Preparations for Declare Certo 2024 service D-Day

Entities across the country affiliated with FENACON are preparing for D-Day to support the "Declare Certo" campaign. This event, which will take place on April 25th, aims to clarify doubts about the Personal Income Tax (IRPF) declaration and highlight the importance of the accounting professional.

New rules and deadlines

The Federal Revenue has set the deadline for submitting the Personal Income Tax Declaration in 2024 by May 31st. This year, the changes include an expansion of the exemption range, benefiting around 13.7 million taxpayers, and the granting of a tax discount for those who opt for the simplified model.

The role of the accounting professional

According to the president of FENACON, Daniel Coêlho, the campaign highlights the accounting professional's responsibility in guiding taxpayers effectively. Choosing to file with an accounting professional not only ensures safe navigation through the complex tax system, but also contributes to tax compliance and optimizes the taxpayer experience during the IRPF filing period.

Update on mandatory limits

The mandatory limits for submitting income tax have been updated. The taxable income limit, for example, went from R$28,559.70 to R$30,639.90, among other changes.

Income Tax Allocation

The "Declare Certo" campaign also encourages the allocation of Income Tax to social projects that promote the protection of children, teenagers and the elderly, as well as cultural, audiovisual and sporting activities. This action has no additional cost and is a safe and legal way to support charitable initiatives.

When declaring Income Tax in 2024, taxpayers must be aware of several important points to ensure a correct declaration in compliance with tax legislation. Some key areas of attention include:

  1. Deadlines and documentation : It is essential to know the deadlines established by the Federal Revenue Service for submitting the declaration and gather all the necessary documentation, such as income reports, proof of deductible expenses, proof of financial income, among others.
  2. Exemption range and discounts : With the changes in the exemption range and the granting of tax discounts for those who opt for the simplified model, it is important to check whether you meet the criteria to enjoy these benefits.
  3. Professional guidance : Relying on the help of an accounting professional can be essential to clarify doubts and ensure that the declaration is made correctly, minimizing the risk of errors that could result in problems with the Tax Authorities.
  4. Update on mandatory limits : The limits on taxable income, exempt income, gross income from rural activity, possession or ownership of goods and rights have been updated, therefore, it is important to check if you comply with the new rules on mandatory tax submission.
  5. Income tax allocation : Consider the possibility of allocating part of your Income Tax to social, cultural, sporting projects, among others. This can be done at no additional cost and contributes to charitable actions in your community.

By paying attention to these key points and seeking appropriate guidance, taxpayers can ensure an accurate declaration that complies with current legislation.

Concluding the News

The " Declare Certo " campaign continues to play a crucial role in offering support to taxpayers during the Personal Income Tax declaration process. With the support of entities affiliated with FENACON, Brazilians have access to accurate and reliable guidance, guaranteeing a transparent declaration in compliance with tax legislation. Comment below your questions about the IRPF declaration and share your experiences!

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