Education Servants Strike - Government seeks to negotiate to contain strikes

Education Servants Strike - Government seeks to negotiate to contain strikes

New resources for education servers

The Minister of Education, Camilo Santana, announced the possibility of making new resources available to meet the demands of technical-administrative employees and teachers at universities and federal institutes. The government has made efforts to end the strike movement, but negotiations are ongoing.

  • Signaling additional resources: The government signaled the availability of extra resources to negotiate issues such as job and salary plans and salary adjustments for education employees.
  • Announcement of new proposal: A new proposal should be presented on Friday (19) by the Minister of Management and Innovation in Public Services, Esther Dweck, who leads the negotiations with civil servants.
  • Budgetary limitations: Minister Camilo Santana highlighted that the MEC's ​​budget does not involve significant changes, and a budget supplement is necessary to meet the demands of civil servants.

Impact of the strike on education

The national education strike has already reached 360 teaching units and involves demands such as salary recovery and career restructuring. Professors at federal universities rejected the government's proposal and demanded a substantial salary increase.

  1. Servers' demands: Servers demand a salary increase that varies from 22.71% to 34.32%, depending on the category, in addition to improvements in technical-administrative and teaching careers.

  2. Government proposal: The federal government offered a zero salary increase, with increases only in benefits such as food assistance and pre-school assistance, which was rejected by employees.

The search for an agreement between the government and civil servants is essential to avoid harm to education and ensure the proper functioning of educational institutions across the country.

If the government does not reach an agreement with education officials, some consequences may arise:

  • Continuity of the strike: The strike may continue, causing damage to the functioning of educational institutions and affecting the academic calendar.
  • Political wear and tear: The government may face political wear, especially if the strike lasts longer and problems in education worsen.
  • Impact on the quality of education: The lack of agreement can harm the quality of education, directly affecting students and compromising educational development in the country.
  • Public dissatisfaction: The population, especially students and their families, may be dissatisfied with the lack of a solution to the impasse, which may generate protests and pressure on the government.

The lack of agreement can generate negative consequences for both the government, civil servants and the population in general, highlighting the importance of constructive dialogue and solutions that meet the needs of all parties involved.

Concluding the News

Negotiations between government and education officials continue amid the national strike that affects hundreds of educational institutions. The announcement of new features to meet server demands represents an important step, but constructive dialogue is necessary to reach an agreement that benefits all parties involved.

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