Income Tax Declaration 2023: Step by step to declare a paid-off car

Income Tax Declaration 2023: Step by step to declare a paid-off car

Declaring a car paid off in 2023 involves some important steps to ensure that the information is correctly recorded. Below is a step-by-step guide to making this declaration:

Information in the assets and rights form

When declaring Income Tax, taxpayers must detail their assets and rights in the Assets and Rights form, which is an integral part of the program used to complete the declaration. To identify a land motor vehicle, such as a car, it is necessary to use the specific code 1, which corresponds to this category, within Group 2 - Real Estate.

This code is intended to properly categorize the asset, allowing the Federal Revenue Service to correctly identify and classify the declared assets. The use of the appropriate code is essential to avoid inconsistencies in the declaration and ensure compliance with current tax rules.

  1. Correct identification of the vehicle: Using the specific code avoids confusion and ensures that the vehicle is correctly identified by the Federal Revenue Service.
  2. Proper classification of assets: The correct categorization of assets facilitates the analysis of information by the Federal Revenue Service, avoiding future questions.
  3. Compliance with tax regulations: Using the appropriate code helps ensure compliance with current tax regulations, avoiding problems with the Tax Authorities.
  4. Avoid inconsistencies in the declaration: Using the correct code contributes to the accuracy and consistency of the Income Tax declaration.
  5. Ease of identifying the asset: The code facilitates the identification of the vehicle among other declared assets, making the process more efficient and transparent.

Detailed vehicle description

Enter the brand, model, year of manufacture, license plate, date and RENAVAM number of the vehicle. This data helps to uniquely identify the car in the declaration.

To describe a vehicle in detail in the Income Tax declaration, it is necessary to provide specific information that allows its unique identification. Among the essential data are:

  1. Brand: Name of the vehicle manufacturer, such as Chevrolet, Ford, Volkswagen, etc.
  2. Model: Name of the vehicle model, such as Onix, Fiesta, Gol, etc.
  3. Year of Manufacture: Year in which the vehicle was manufactured, indicating its age.
  4. Plate: Alphanumeric identification of the vehicle, which is unique for each car.
  5. Acquisition date: Date on which the vehicle was purchased, important for calculating the value of the asset.
  6. RENAVAM Number: National Registry of Motor Vehicles, which uniquely identifies each vehicle in Brazil.

These details are essential to differentiate the declared vehicle from similar ones, guaranteeing the accuracy of the information provided to the Tax Authorities.

Total amount paid for the item

In addition, it is necessary to inform the total amount paid for the asset, including down payment, installments and other expenses related to the acquisition of the vehicle. This information is crucial for the correct registration of assets.

To report the total amount paid for the vehicle in your Income Tax declaration, it is necessary to consider all expenses related to its acquisition. That includes:

  1. Down payment amount: Amount initially paid at the time of purchasing the vehicle.
  2. Value of installments: Total paid in monthly installments, if the vehicle was purchased through financing.
  3. Other expenses: Additional costs related to the acquisition of the vehicle, such as registration fees, transfer fees, registration fees, among others.

It is important to add all these values ​​together to obtain the total paid for the good, which must be reported in the declaration. This information is crucial for the correct registration of assets in the Income Tax declaration, ensuring compliance with current tax rules.

Situation on 12/31/2023

Declare the total amount already paid for the item by 12/31/2023. Exclude expenses such as IPVA, DPVAT insurance, licensing and others, which should not be considered in this value.

In the Income Tax declaration, the status of the vehicle on 12/31/2023 must reflect the total amount already paid for the asset up to that date. It is important to highlight that, in this amount, only payments made directly for the acquisition of the vehicle should be considered, excluding periodic and accessory expenses, such as:

  1. IPVA (Motor Vehicle Ownership Tax): It is a state tax charged annually on the ownership of motor vehicles.
  2. DPVAT Insurance (Personal Injury Caused by Land Motor Vehicles): It is mandatory insurance that covers personal damage caused by motor vehicles.
  3. Licensing: This is the annual fee charged to renew the vehicle's licensing, prove that it is up to date with traffic obligations and receive the CRLV (Vehicle Registration and Licensing Certificate).

These amounts should not be considered in the total paid for the vehicle, as they do not represent an investment in the asset itself, but rather regular costs related to the maintenance and operation of the vehicle. Therefore, when declaring the total amount paid for the vehicle on 12/31/2023, it is important to exclude these expenses to avoid distortions in accounting and tax records.

Questions and answers about the declaration

  1. What happens if I don't declare the car paid off? If the vehicle is not declared correctly, you may find yourself in an irregular situation with the Federal Revenue Service, subject to fines and penalties.
  2. Can I deduct the value of the paid-off car from my income tax? It is not possible to deduct the value of the paid car from income tax, as it is considered an asset for personal use and does not generate deductions.
  3. Is there a deadline for making this declaration? Yes, the declaration of the paid-off car must be made within the deadline established by the Federal Revenue Service, generally by the end of April of each year.


Declaring a car paid off in 2023 requires attention to detail and the correct use of the information in the assets and rights form. By following the steps described above, you will comply with IRS requirements and avoid future problems.

If you have any questions or experiences related to declaring paid-off cars in 2023, share them with us in the comments below. Your opinion is important to enrich the discussion on this topic.

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