Government resumes Light for All project for northern municipalities with National Interconnected System

National Interconnected System

Light for All for the population of the North region

The Luz para Todos program, which aims to bring electricity to rural areas of the country, especially in the North and Legal Amazon, was resumed by the Federal Government. Originally launched in 2003 by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the program's fundamental objective is to eradicate energy poverty and promote social and economic development in these regions.

Benefits for millions of Brazilians

The resumption of the program represents a milestone for millions of Brazilian families who still do not have access to electricity. Since its launch in 2003, more than 3.6 million families have been served, and now, with this new stage, it is expected to benefit up to 500 thousand families by 2026. This effort aims to build even more inclusive and fair policies for universalization access and use of electrical energy.

Interconnection to the National Interconnected System (SIN)

One of the main achievements of this recovery is the interconnection of several cities to the National Interconnected System (SIN), through the so-called "Tucuruí Line". This interconnection, which includes cities such as Parintins, Itacoatiara and Juruti, allows access to electrical energy from clean and renewable sources. Before this connection, many of these regions depended on diesel-powered thermoelectric plants, causing several environmental impacts.

Challenges and Achievements

To make this project a reality, it was necessary to overcome a series of challenges, from building towers in flooded areas to implementing them in stretches of rivers. Studies begun in 2006 finally came to fruition, culminating in a significant investment of approximately R$5 billion in electrical infrastructure in the region.

Connecting Roraima to SIN and International Partnerships

Furthermore, Roraima is on the way to being connected to the National Interconnected System (SIN), which represents a significant advance for the state, which is currently the only one isolated from the national system. Furthermore, the decree signed by President Lula expands the possibilities of exchanging electrical energy with neighboring countries, such as Venezuela, through the Guri plant.

To ensure the continued success of the project and the maintenance of the towers and electrical infrastructure, the government must take several measures:

  • Preventative maintenance: Implement a comprehensive preventive maintenance program to ensure that towers and other structures remain in good operating condition over time. This includes regular inspections, timely repairs and replacement of worn components.
  • Population training: Offer training and guidance to the local population on the appropriate use of electrical energy and the importance of maintaining equipment. This may include educational campaigns about electrical safety, energy saving and how to report problems or irregularities on the network.
  • Monitoring and rapid response: Establish continuous monitoring systems to detect any problems or interruptions in the electrical network. Additionally, develop rapid response protocols to deal with emergencies such as power outages or damage to structures.
  • Local partnerships: Work closely with local communities, municipal authorities and civil society organizations to ensure that the specific needs of each region are met. This may involve creating local energy management committees or appointing community representatives to assist with oversight and maintenance.
  • Investment in Technology: Use advanced technologies, such as remote monitoring and automation systems, to optimize operational efficiency and facilitate the early identification of problems. This can help reduce maintenance costs and improve power supply reliability.

By adopting these measures, the government can ensure that the project to interconnect municipalities with the electricity system is not only an initial success, but also a sustainable and long-lasting initiative that continually benefits the local population.

Concluding the News

The resumption of the Luz para Todos program and the interconnection of municipalities to the National Interconnected System represent significant advances for the economic and social development of the North and Legal Amazon regions. With access to electrical energy from clean and renewable sources, millions of Brazilians will have their lives transformed. This initiative also strengthens international partnerships and contributes to reducing environmental impacts caused by energy generation from fossil fuels.

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