Princípio de seleção dos ângulos da ferramenta de corte do torno

Lathe cutting tool angles selection principle

The article delves into the various factors that influence the selection of each angle, such as the hardness of the material to be cut, the type of machining operation and...

Lathe cutting tool angles selection principle

The article delves into the various factors that influence the selection of each angle, such as the hardness of the material to be cut, the type of machining operation and...

8 fatores que afetam a resistência à fadiga de materiais metálicos

8 factors that affect the fatigue resistance of...

14 componentes essenciais para máquinas de corte a laser

14 Essential Components for Laser Cutting Machi...

Auxiliary equipment for laser cutters includes: stabilizer power supply water chiller gas cylinder air compressor gas storage tank cooling dryer...

14 Essential Components for Laser Cutting Machi...

Auxiliary equipment for laser cutters includes: stabilizer power supply water chiller gas cylinder air compressor gas storage tank cooling dryer...

Calculando o peso da prata

Calculating the weight of silver

Explicação de rachaduras de forjamento, rachaduras de tratamento térmico e rachaduras de matéria-prima

Explanation of forging cracks, heat treatment c...

Forging cracks are formed during the steel forging process and can be attributed to several reasons. Predominantly, they can be divided into two main categories: cracks...

Explanation of forging cracks, heat treatment c...

Forging cracks are formed during the steel forging process and can be attributed to several reasons. Predominantly, they can be divided into two main categories: cracks...

Lista de verificação de manutenção de prensa mecânica

Mechanical Press Maintenance and Checklist

Daily maintenance: Check the lubrication status of the main engine. Check air pressure. Check the power light and emergency button. Check the clutch magnetic valve...

Mechanical Press Maintenance and Checklist

Daily maintenance: Check the lubrication status of the main engine. Check air pressure. Check the power light and emergency button. Check the clutch magnetic valve...