Protegendo sua Máquina de Corte a Laser da Umidade
Com a chegada da estação chuvosa, é essencial garantir que sua máquina de corte a laser esteja devidamente protegida contra a umidade. Afinal, a exposição à água e à alta...
Protegendo sua Máquina de Corte a Laser da Umidade
Com a chegada da estação chuvosa, é essencial garantir que sua máquina de corte a laser esteja devidamente protegida contra a umidade. Afinal, a exposição à água e à alta...

Laser Cutting Nozzle Selection: Top Tips
Choosing the right laser cutting nozzle doubles efficiency. Although it may seem like a small and discreet piece, its role is not insignificant. It needs to resist the ricochet of...
Laser Cutting Nozzle Selection: Top Tips
Choosing the right laser cutting nozzle doubles efficiency. Although it may seem like a small and discreet piece, its role is not insignificant. It needs to resist the ricochet of...

Expert Tips for Choosing Laser Cutting Focus
Before cutting any sheet, the distance between the laser focal point and the material to be cut must be properly adjusted. Different focal point positions can result in varying levels...
Expert Tips for Choosing Laser Cutting Focus
Before cutting any sheet, the distance between the laser focal point and the material to be cut must be properly adjusted. Different focal point positions can result in varying levels...
Adjusting Laser Cutting Machine Light Path: A S...
Laser cutting involves focusing a laser beam through a focusing mirror to concentrate it into a small point of light, which is then projected onto a metal surface. If the...
Adjusting Laser Cutting Machine Light Path: A S...
Laser cutting involves focusing a laser beam through a focusing mirror to concentrate it into a small point of light, which is then projected onto a metal surface. If the...

How to protect your laser from freezing in wint...
Laser Protection – Anti-Freeze Edition As the seasons change, there is now a touch of winter in the air. With the climate getting colder (especially in the north), when the...
How to protect your laser from freezing in wint...
Laser Protection – Anti-Freeze Edition As the seasons change, there is now a touch of winter in the air. With the climate getting colder (especially in the north), when the...

10 Essential Environmental Requirements for Las...
1. Power supply specifications The laser cutting machine requires a three-phase five-wire system with a 380V 50Hz power supply. The full power load of the host must not ex...
10 Essential Environmental Requirements for Las...
1. Power supply specifications The laser cutting machine requires a three-phase five-wire system with a 380V 50Hz power supply. The full power load of the host must not ex...