Curvature Tolerance Formula: Calculator and Charts

What is curvature tolerance?

The concept of bending tolerance is as follows: When a sheet of metal is bent, it has three dimensions – two outside dimensions (L1 and L2) and one thickness dimension (T).

It is important to note that the sum of L1 and L2 is greater than the unfolded length (L), and the difference between the two is known as the bending tolerance (K).

Therefore, the unfolded length of a curve can be calculated as L = L1 + L2 – K.

Related reading:

  • How to calculate bending tolerance, bending deduction and K factor?

Curvature Tolerance Formula

Bend Tolerance Formula for Steel

How was the formula for bend tolerance created? And how do you calculate the fold allowance?

The bending tolerance depends on the inner radius formed. The bottom opening of the V-die determines the inner radius (IR) of a formed part. The inner radius for mild steel is 5/32 x smallest die opening V (W) when the punch radius is less than 5/32 x W.

If IR< Material Thickness

Bending Tolerance Chart

The bend tolerance table is a convenient resource that lists the thickness, bend radius, bend angle, bend tolerance, or bend allowance values ​​of common materials in a tabular format.

This information is stored in a designated location, making it easy to access and select when needed.

Further reading:

  • Curvature Deduction Calculator

The tables below provide bending tolerances for iron, aluminum and copper respectively, for reference. They allow you to easily determine the required bending tolerances for different material thicknesses.

(1) Bending tolerance table for SPCC cold rolled steel sheet (SECC electrogalvanized sheet)

television Angle 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.5 two 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Shortest size
V4 90 0.9 1.4 2.8
V4 120 0.7
V4 150 0.2
V6 90 1.5 1.7 2.15 4.5
V6 120 0.7 0.86 1
V6 150 0.2 0.3 0.4
V7 90 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.4 5
V7 120 0.8 0.9 1
V7 150 0.3 0.3 0.3
V8 90 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.5 5.5
V8 30 0.3 0.34 0.4 0.5
V8 45 0.6 0.7 0.8 1
V8 60 1 1.1 1.3 1.5
V8 120 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.3
V8 150 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.5
V10 90 2.7 3.2 7
V10 120 1.3 1.6
V10 150 0.5 0.5
V12 90 2.8 3.65 4.5 8.5
V12 30 0.5 0.6 0.7
V12 45 1 1.3 1.5
V12 60 1.7 two 2.4
V12 120 1.4 1.7 two
V12 150 0.5 0.6 0.7
V14 90 4.3 10
V14 120 2.1
V14 150 0.7
V16 90 4.5 5 11
V16 120 2.2
V16 150 0.8
V18 90 4.6 13
V18 120 2.3
V18 150 0.8
V20 90 4.8 5.1 6.6 14
V20 120 2.3 3.3
V20 150 0.8 1.1
V25 90 5.7 6.4 7 17.5
V25 120 2.8 3.1 3.4
V25 150 1 1 1.2
V32 90 7.5 8.2 22
V32 120 4
V32 150 1.4
V40 90 8.7 9.4 28
V40 120 4.3 4.6
V40 150 1.5 1.6

(2) Bending tolerance table for aluminum sheet

television Angle 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.5 two 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Shortest size
V4 1.4 2.8
V6 1.6 4.5
V7 1.6 1.8 5
V8 1.8 2.4 3.1 5.5
V10 2.4 3.2 7
V12 2.4 3.2 8.5
V14 3.2 10
V16 3.2 4 4.8 11
V18 4.8 13
V20 4.8 14
V25 4.8 5.4 6 17.5
V32 6.3 6.9 22

(3) Bending tolerance table for copper sheet

Angle 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.5 two 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Shortest size
90 3.6 5.2 6.8 8.4 28
  • Download bend tolerance chart PDF file

(4) Amada bending tolerance chart

T=0.6 1.25 1.26
T=0.8 0.18 1.42 0.15 1.45 0.09 1.51
T=1.0 0.25 1.75 0.20 1.80 0:30 1.70 0.38 1.62
T=1.2 0.45 1.95 0.25 2.15 0.50 1.90 0.43 1.97
T=1.4 0.64 2.16
T=1.5 0.64 2.36 0.50 2.50 0.70 2:30 p.m.
T=1.6 0.69 2.51
T=1.8 0.65 3:00
T=1.9 0.60 3.20
T=2.0 0.65 3.35 0.50 3.50 0.97 3.03 0.81 3.19
T=2.5 0.80 4:20 am 0.85 4.15 1.38 3.62
T=3.0 1.00 5:00 5:20 am 1.40 4.60
T=3.2 1.29 5.11
T=4.0 1.20 6.80 1.00 7:00
T=5.0 2.20 7.80 2.20 7.80
T=6.0 2.20 9.80


  • The V12 coefficient for 2mm C-profile is 3.65 and for other 2mm boards is 3.5). The edge bending allowance for 2mm board is 1.4;
  • The bend tolerance for 6mm copper plate is 10.3;
  • The bend tolerance for 8mm copper plate is 12.5;
  • The bend tolerance for 10mm copper plate is 15;
  • The bend tolerance for 12mm copper plate is 17;
  • The curvature tolerance for 3.0 stainless steel with V25 die is 6;
  • The curvature tolerance for 3.0 stainless steel with V20 die is 5.5;
  • (All copper bars exceeding 6mm use V40 lower die bending tolerance)

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