Web Cam fazendo interface com Beaglebone preto (Parte 10/15)

Web Cam interfacing with black Beaglebone (Part 10/15)

Imagem da webcam conectada ao Beaglebone Black

Fig. 1: Image of the webcam connected to the Beaglebone Black

The webcam is required for image capture and video streaming applications. You can interface web cam with Beaglebone Black and capture photos and videos as well. In this tutorial I will interface the Logitech web camera with BBB. I explained step by step the configuration of the web cam interface with BBB. Before connecting the webcam, I will explain about Beaglebone Black VNC remote connection. If you get SSH access from BBB, it will not display image or video due to insufficient GUI. So you need to have virtual remote access from BBB on the desktop.

Protótipo de câmera de segurança baseada em Beaglebone Black

Fig. 2: Security camera prototype based on Beaglebone Black

BBB VNC Remote Access on Desktop

Step 1: Connect to the Internet and turn on BBB. Access BBB with SSH via PC.

Captura de tela do acesso ao Beaglebone Black (BBB) ​​com SSH através do PC

Fig.3: Screenshot of accessing Beaglebone Black (BBB) ​​with SSH via PC

Step 2: First of all, update your kernel version. (Ignore if already done)

Step 3: Once the update is complete, restart your system.

Step 4: We need to install a VNC server (i.e. x11VNC) on BBB by typing the following command:

sudo apt-get install x11vnc

Step 5: We need the VNC viewer on the desktop for remote access from BBB. Open another command prompt and install the VNC viewer (here I installed vinegar) by following the command:

sudo apt-get install vinegar

Step 6: Now go back to the command prompt that has SSH access from BBB and start the VNC server by typing the following command:

x11vnc -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -forever

Captura de tela do login root do console Linux no Beaglebone Black

Figure 4: Screenshot of Linux console root login on Beaglebone Black

It will start on port 5900.

Step 7: Go back to your local desktop command prompt (which was opened earlier to install vinegar) and run the following command:


Captura de tela do prompt de comando da área de trabalho no PC

Figure 5: Screenshot of Desktop Command Prompt on PC

You now have remote access to Beaglebone black on your local desktop. You can open the tool's command prompt and operate the same way as on the desktop.

Captura de tela do Linux no Beaglebone Black (BBB)

Figure 6: Linux Screenshot on Beaglebone Black (BBB)

Webcam configuration on BBB

Step 1: Now, disconnect the power cable from the BBB. Plug the web cam (i.e. Logitech in this tutorial) into the USB port and turn the BBB back on. Access BBB with SSH via PC.

Step 2: Remotely access the Beaglebone black as explained above. Open the command prompt on the BBB desktop.

Captura de tela da configuração da webcam no Beaglebone Black

Fig. 7: Screenshot of webcam configuration on Beaglebone Black

Step 3: Check whether the web cam is detected by BBB or not by entering the following command

ls /dev/video0

Step 4: Now, to capture the image or video, install an image viewer (i.e. guvcview) on BBB using the following line:

sudo apt-get install guvcview

Captura de tela da instalação do Guvcview no Beaglebone Black

Figure 8: Screenshot of Guvcview installation on Beaglebone Black

Step 5: After installation, run the following command in the terminal:


Captura de tela do Terminal de Comando no PC

Figure 9: Screenshot of the Command Terminal on the PC

Step 6: Now your webcam is ready to capture images and videos.

Captura de tela da imagem capturada no PC pela câmera de segurança baseada em Beaglebone Black

Fig. 10: Screenshot of image captured on PC by Beaglebone Black-based security camera

Circuit diagrams


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