TI aborda desafios de design de gerenciamento de energia para veículos elétricos e aplicações industriais

IT addresses power management design challenges for electric vehicles and industrial applications

Texas Instruments (TI) demonstrated at the Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) last week, focusing on how engineers can overcome some of their most pressing power management design challenges. The company showcased the latest additions to its power management portfolio and demonstrated system-level solutions for increasing power density, reducing electromagnetic interference (EMI), noise and quiescent current ( IP ) and increasing reliability.

New products will help power designers reduce EMI and noise while improving power density and reliability.

“For decades, TI has been at the forefront of developing new process, packaging and circuit design technologies that help power designers achieve greater power density, extend battery life, reduce EMI, preserve battery integrity and power and signal and maintain reliability in your systems. ,” said Marcos Gary , senior vice president of analog power products. “Our commitment to providing next-generation power management solutions is helping engineers reach new levels of performance, improve energy efficiency and increase reliability in applications ranging from automotive powertrain and body electronics to electric vehicle charging. , solar energy and medical equipment.”

TI launched three new products at APEC to help engineers mitigate EMI and noise in their systems:

  • The LMQ66430 and LMQ66430-Q1 36-V, 3-A buck converters integrate two input bypass capacitors and a startup capacitor, allowing engineers to easily meet Comité International Spécial des Perturbations Radioélectriques (CISPR) 25 EMI Class 5 standards , while offering best-in-class total solution size, 1.5 µA quiescent current (I P ) and reduced bill of materials costs. (To learn more about the benefits of these devices, read this white paper.)
  • The TPS7A94 low dropout (LDO) linear regulator combines the industry's lowest noise of 0.46 µV RMS – at least 42% better than competing solutions – with a high power supply rejection rate, helping designers improve system accuracy and precision in highly sensitive applications such as medical equipment, wireless infrastructure and radar. (To learn more, read this article.)

Pushing the power further
At APEC, TI also demonstrated how its products can help engineers overcome critical power management design challenges such as:

  • Increasing power density through an 800V, 11kW, three-phase, gallium nitride (GaN)-based, three-phase inverter power stage with fixed active neutral point (ANPC). This demonstration was based on a 6.6 kW ANPC inverter reference design and featured the LMG3422R030 600 V GaN field effect transistor (FET) – which enables high switching frequency to reduce magnetic size, increase density of power and achieve 98.5% maximum efficiency in EV charging and solar energy applications.
  • Reducing EMI in automotive and industrial applications while improving filter size. The LMQ66430-Q1 Low EMI Buck Converter reduces EMI in real time by leveraging a proprietary random, dual spread spectrum technique while showing how integrated capacitors greatly simplify designs.
  • Enabling safer systems with high voltage isolation technologies that provide reliable operation. Based on an Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) D safety concept high-speed traction inverter reference design, TI's UCC5870-Q1 isolated gate driver and DC/DC bias power module isolated UCC14240-Q1 to enable high system efficiency with 30 A peak current while maintaining system reliability through advanced high voltage isolation, protection and diagnostics.
  • Extending battery life in EV and hybrid EV powertrain systems. This 7 kW integrated charger demo featured TI P 's REF35 ultra-low-I voltage reference for precision amplifiers, LMG3522R030-Q1 automotive GaN FET real-time microcontroller, and TMS320F280039C C2000 – minimizing power consumption and achieving high efficiency of system > 96%.
  • Improving the power and signal integrity of low-voltage devices such as voltage-controlled oscillators, analog-to-digital converters, digital-to-analog converters, and high-end processors: This demonstrated the impact of different stimuli on a power supply that uses the TPS7A94, the lowest noise LDO, which can achieve 0.46 µV RMS noise from 10 Hz to 100 kHz.

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