Terceirização Nearshore e Desenvolvimento Móvel

Nearshore Outsourcing and Mobile Development

The Bright Future of Mobile Mobile apps are predicted to generate an astonishing $188.9 billion in annual revenue by 2020 – and profits are only predicted…

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The bright future of mobile

US$188.9 billion on-demand resources .

Nearshore software outsourcing can help companies avoid resource fatigue and focus their development efforts on a small number of essential features. This can help reduce budgets and the time required to bring software to market. The best way to eliminate these unnecessary features and produce a streamlined product is to involve end users at every step of the development cycle.

Many nearshore partners specialize in Agile development methodologies, which focus on creating a software prototype that can be released to selected consumers early in the process. This gives developers invaluable insight into customer needs and helps narrow the software's focus to the elements most needed by end users.

A solution through outsourcing

Many modern companies feel they must develop their own mobile applications to succeed in the smartphone era. Sometimes these applications are developed for customers, while many other companies have started to invest in enterprise applications for employee use. This growing demand for mobile development has led many companies to establish partnerships with nearshore development services.

These companies help businesses conduct market research and focus their development efforts efficiently. Additionally, nearshore software development companies offer much-needed quality assurance testing and UI/UX design assistance to ensure mobile apps meet user demands and run smoothly.

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