Stub vs Mock: Escolhendo o teste duplo certo

Stub vs Mock: Choosing the Right Test Double

Learn about stubs and mocks, two types of test doubles used in unit testing, to ensure software reliability.

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In the ever-evolving landscape of software testing, unit testing has become an indispensable practice. It serves as the basis for producing robust and reliable software, detecting bugs and errors early on. A key element in mastering unit testing techniques is the concept of “double testing”, which guarantees isolated testing of individual components. In this article, we will explore the comparison between two crucial types of test doubles: stubs and mocks.

What are dual tests?

Double tests are the superheroes of unit testing, allowing us to replace real components with placeholders during testing that mimic their behavior. This replacement promotes isolation by testing components separately from their dependencies. While there are several types of test doubles such as dummies, fakes, spies, and others, we will focus on the dynamic duo of stubs and mocks, which play crucial roles in behavior checking and state checking during unit testing.

Often these test doubles can be created via a third-party library to ensure seamless integration with the main test code.

Outline: Definition and use cases

In unit testing, a stub is a significant tool. A stub provides predetermined responses to calls made during a test. It's ideal for scenarios where you're more concerned with the behavior of the object under test than its interactions with other components. Think of it as a scripted actor playing a role during the audition.

Stubs are useful when simulating specific scenarios without considering interactions with other components. For example, when testing a payment gateway, a stub can simulate successful and failed transactions, ensuring that your code responds appropriately.

A stub is an actual module in the test environment, which provides predetermined responses to calls. These responses are often based on hard-coded values ​​or objects pre-programmed to return specific results, making them predictable. Stubs are especially useful when a test requires simulating specific scenarios without considering external interactions, such as how many messages a service sends or receives.

Features of stubs

Stubs are great because they are predictable. They are created to remain composed, never throwing exceptions but delivering predetermined results. Its strength lies in its ability to simulate situations, allowing you to test the robustness of your code. Stubs introduce quality into your tests, offering a path to validation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits Disadvantages
Stubs are also great for isolating the unit being tested from its external dependencies. By replacing components and testing with stubs, you can narrow your test suite. Focus on the specific functionality you are testing. This helps to minimize factors that can affect the result. If stubs are not configured correctly, they can result in detections. If the stub doesn't accurately mimic the actual behavior of the dependency, your tests may pass when they shouldn't, giving you a misleading sense of correctness.
By using stubs during testing, you can expect predictable results. Stubs provide predetermined results, meaning your tests will follow a path, making them highly reliable and repeatable. Stubs are primarily concerned with results, so they don't capture detailed interaction information. While they are great for state testing, they may not provide enough insight into how your component interacts with its dependencies.

Simulation: definition and use cases

Meet the mock object, the watchful guardian of interaction testing. A mock object is an object that meticulously records method calls and prides itself on asserting whether expected interactions have occurred. Mocks stand out when their mission is to validate interactions between the real object under test and its collaborators. They are the Sherlock Holmes of unit testing, investigating every move.

Mocks are the right choice when you need to ensure that your code collaborates with other components as intended. For example, imagine testing an email service that was supposed to send a confirmation message after a successful purchase. Using a simulation, you can verify that the expected communication occurred.

Characteristics of simulations

Mockers are not just observers; they are also executors. If they receive unexpected calls, they won't be afraid to raise exceptions. They are also adept at checking whether certain methods have been invoked and can even inspect the order and frequency of these calls. This makes simulations an invaluable resource when you need to validate complex interactions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits Disadvantages
Simulations are highly effective in validating interactions between components. They play a role in ensuring that the method calls the stub class. The sequence of invocations happens as planned, giving you confidence in the collaborative behavior of your code. Overreliance on simulations can lead to brittle testing. Tests that are tightly coupled to mock implementation of component details or that involve extensive mock configuration data configuration are prone to breaking with small changes to code or configuration data.
Simulations go beyond surface-level testing. By tracking interactions with real objects, they can discover side effects and hidden issues that may not be evident from the return values ​​alone. This allows you to detect subtle bugs and edge cases. Additionally, mocks add more complexity to your test suite and code. By monitoring interactions to match database objects, they have the ability to reveal side effects and discover issues that may not be apparent through return values ​​alone. This allows you to identify bugs and resolve edge cases effectively.

Comparing Stubs and Mocks

Making a comparison between stubs and mocks is crucial. Let's look at the main differences between them. While both serve as powerful allies in your testing arsenal, they serve different aspects of testing. Stubs are ideal for stateful testing, focusing on the outcome and behavior of the actual object being tested. On the other hand, mocks are excellent at testing behavior, examining interactions between components.

Sketches Simulations
Primary Purpose Mimic the behavior of real components with predetermined responses. Register and validate interactions between the object under test and its collaborators.
  • Predictable results
  • Does not throw exceptions
  • Simulates specific situations
  • Observers and validators
  • Raise exceptions for unexpected calls
  • Checks the order and frequency of method calls
Use cases Test results without considering interactions. Ensure method calls and interactions occur as expected.
Focus Test State Test : Focus on results. Behavior testing : Emphasizing component interactions.

The key is finding a balance and knowing when to implement each strategy.

Best Practices

Let's dive into the recommended approaches when it comes to using stubs and mocks to improve your unit testing skills.

Encourage judicious use of sketches and simulations

The power of stubs and mocks lies in the ability to isolate and validate your test components. However, its effectiveness is maximized when used sparingly and sparingly. Encourage your team to resist the temptation to over-apply sketches and simulations. Instead, consider the specific goals of your tests and choose the appropriate test pair accordingly.

Leverage stubs for state testing

Stubs are the essential tools for state testing. It is used quite often in scenarios where you are concerned about the outcome of a component's behavior. You can use them to simulate dependency responses and focus on how your code reacts to different scenarios. Stubs are particularly well suited to providing consistent and controlled input, allowing you to thoroughly test your code's ability to handle diverse situations.

Use simulations for behavior/interaction testing

Simulations are excellent at testing behavior and interaction, as the focus shifts from results to how components collaborate. Use simulations to verify that the correct methods and expected interactions occur between your component and its dependencies. By validating method calls and simulating expected interactions, ensure your code works harmoniously with your collaborators.

Avoid overly specific tests

Excessive specificity in testing can lead to fragility, but detail is essential. Thus, you should avoid writing tests that rely excessively on implementation details, as this may result in tests breaking with minor code changes. Instead, focus on testing the logical behavior of your components, allowing flexibility in implementation while maintaining desired functionality.

Promote easy-to-maintain and readable tests

Its readability also directly influences the maintainability of other tests. It's important to ensure your tests are easy to understand, concise, and specifically focused on validating the desired behavior. When using simulations, aim for simplicity in verification to enable easy understanding of your tests, even as your code base evolves. Avoid complex configurations and checks to avoid difficulties in understanding and maintaining.

Finding a balance

Stubs and mocks are most effective when used together to strike a balance. It is crucial to understand that unit testing is not just about choosing one testing technique over another, but rather leveraging the strengths of both approaches. By merging the reliability of stubs with the validation capabilities of mocks, you can develop a testing strategy that encompasses state-based and interaction aspects.

Test Driven Development (TDD)

When following Test Driven Development (TDD) practices, you will often write tests before the actual code. Stubs and mocks become invaluable in this approach, allowing you to simulate and verify interactions even before the actual implementation is in place.


The functions performed by stubs and mocks have become increasingly important with the emergence of testing methods. By understanding their differences and selecting the tool for each situation, you can significantly improve your testing practices. Remember to follow best practices while leveraging the power of stubs and mocks. Keep in mind that the success of unit testing is not only determined by the quantity of unit tests, but rather by ensuring their quality. So, as you embark on your testing journey, let collaboration between stubs and mocks lead you to software excellence.

Common questions

What is the main difference between a sketch and a simulation?

Stubs provide predefined responses to calls and focus on results, while mocks record and validate interactions between real database objects, thus focusing on behavior.

Can I use stubs and mocks in a test?

Yes, it is possible to combine stubs and mocks, depending on your scenario. However, prioritize readability and maintainability to ensure a coherent test structure.

Are there other types of test doubles besides stubs and mocks?

In fact, alongside stubs and mocks, you will find dummy objects, dummy objects, mock objects, and spies, each of which have their own unique roles in the unit testing ecosystem.

How do I choose between using a sketch or a simulation?

You must first consider the objective of your test. If you are concerned about interactions, you should use simulations and stubs. For state and results testing, opt for stubs. Strive for a balanced approach and avoid overeating.

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