KiCad is free software for EDA (Electronic Design Automation), created in 1992 by Jean-Pierre Charras. It has GNU and GPL licenses. I selected KiCad software to explain PCB tutorials. Since it is open source software, anyone can try and practice my tutorials.
Before starting with KiCad, we should know some basics and the KiCad workflow. In this tutorial, I will explain the KiCad workflow step by step. Follow the same procedure when working with KiCad.
In the previous tutorials, I explained the basic procedure in three steps,
1.Creating schema
2. Switch to the board and modify the board
3.Generation of Gerber files.
Similarly in KiCad, we will follow the same steps with minor changes. Also, some steps like library creation, footprint editing, etc.
KiCad has five main parts:
1.The project manager
2. Schematic
4.Gerber Vision
After opening the new KiCad project, 1st step is to create the circuit. To do this, open Eeschema, which is a schematic capture editor. Its features include schematic sheets, custom symbol creation, and an electrical rules checker (ERC). When you click on Eeschema, a new window will open with a schematic sheet alongside options like ADD components and Network, label, etc. (you can observe the options by following the video tutorials).
Fig. 1: Screenshot of Eeschema – Schematic Capture Editor in KIcad
Fig. 2: Screenshot of Eeschema – Schematic Capture Editor in KIcad
Fig. 3: Screenshot of the Choose Component window in KIcad
After opening the spreadsheet, click on the Add Components option and left-click on the spreadsheet. A new window will appear with the component library. Enter the required component name and search or simply access the libraries directly. If you find the required component, add it to the spreadsheet and select another component. If the component is not available, click the library editor to create a new component.
Fig. 4: Screenshot of the Library Editor in KIcad
A new window will appear on the screen with options. Create a new component using options like pins and squares (to learn more about creating components, visit “ KiCad Library Editor Tutorial ”). After creating the component, add it to the spreadsheet and proceed.
After adding all the components, connect the circuit using the Place Wire option. When the schematic is complete, go to the next step “ Annotate ”. Next, all components that have not yet been named are placed. Therefore, if we write down the circuit, all the components will be named in sequence automatically. This will help us in editing the PCB.
After annotation, schematic creation is complete. So the next step is checking electrical rules . In this step, KiCAD will show you any errors made while creating the circuit. We must eliminate these errors before proceeding to the next step.
Fig. 5: Screenshot of checking electrical rules in KIcad
If we fix all the errors and warnings, we can proceed. The next step is very important, i.e. associating components with footprints. In this step, we have to select a suitable space for each component (you can get more details in the components to modules tutorial).
Fig. 6: Screenshot of component association with footprints in KIcad
Fig. 7: Screenshot of component association with footprints in KIcad
If footprints are not available, we need to create a new footprint. Open the footprint editor, create a new footprint, and save it. Then assign the saved area to the respective component. While assigning footprints, check whether they are suitable or not by viewing them in 3D. After assigning footprints to all components, save them and close the window. Click on the generate net list option. Save the network list with specific names to remember it later.
Now click on Run CvPcb option and a new window will appear. Now read the list of saved networks. After reading, we can see the footprints of the components in the workspace. Arrange these components, draw the copper tracks correctly, and perform debug rule checking (DRC).
After performing the DRC, export the Gerber files using the Plot option (File > plot). To check Gerber files, we can see them in Gerber view. This is the final step in the workflow. After this step, we can send these Gerber files to the manufacturer to prepare the PCB for us.
Note: In this tutorial I did not explain all the options clearly. However, in the upcoming tutorials I will cover all the topics, so please review them.
Simple steps to understand the workflow:
1.Open the KiCad software.
2.File > New project > (give any name) > save it.
3.Open Eeschema > Create new component (library editor) > Add components > connect circuit.
4. Write it down.
5. Electrical rule check.
6.CvPcb > check footprints > assign footprints to components > save the list.
7.Generate a network list > save (name it to remember).
8. Run new PCB > Read saved network list > arrange components > connect copper track > RDC.
9.File > plot > select layers and required option in plot window > plot (button) > Generate drill file > close.
10. Gerber View > check Gerber files.
To understand what they are exactly, see the flowchart below
Figure 8: Flowchart showing the PCB design procedure in KIcad