Os quatro experimentos científicos incríveis que você pode fazer com seu telefone

The Four Amazing Science Experiments You Can Do With Your Phone

You definitely think that the phone you carry in your pocket is a feature-packed gadget that allows you to not only make calls but also play games, watch videos, listen to music, do video chats and download numerous applications that further enhance its functionality. functionality.

But how would you feel if I told you that you can actually do really cool science experiments with your phone? Of course, you would be surprised!

Your smartphone is not just a device for fun, entertainment and communication, but a mobile mini-computer that lets you do things you might not have thought of. It's almost like a computer and a data collector. Although some phones are limited to just making calls, modern smartphones also allow their users to perform various scientific experiments.

Want to know more about these science experiments you can do with your phone? This post will tell you the same!

If your smartphone incorporates these sensors, let me tell you that you can do three fun experiments with it. These experiments would work on most smartphones and would work surprisingly well if you could probably use multiple apps to collect the data. Plus, doing these experiments is free!

So let's start!

Bouncing ball

Although the size of the ball doesn't matter, it would be better if you choose a small ball. To ensure that the experiment is successful, the ball must bounce and at the same time make some noise.

The bouncing ball should bounce and should make noise when it hits any surface. Now the next step is to download the ' fifox ' app and open your experiment file. Place your smartphone close to where the ball will hit the surface. This will allow the microphone to pick up the sound. The next step is to drop the ball and start recording the sound.

Although the app records sound all the time, you can play it on different surfaces. This app uses the time between bounces to estimate jump height, assuming you are throwing the ball from the Earth's surface with vertical acceleration. Once the data is collected, you can explore the relationship between initial drop distances and jump height for a series of balls. You can measure the successive bounce changes, the height and the energy consumed by the ball during each throw.

Measure the speed of sound

You must have your own method for determining the speed of sound; This will inform you about the method to measure the speed of sound through your phone. You need to have an app that works as an acoustic timer so you can start and stop based on the sound noise.

Now, you need two phones to perform this experiment. Keep the two phones far apart so they can both hear the same sound. Although you will play sound close to the first phone, the next phone will certainly hear it a little late and vice versa. It's because of the difference it takes for sound to reach each device. Now, for calculation, the speed of sound will be twice the distance measured between the two devices divided by the difference in time intervals.

So here goes the equation,

Identify the height of the building

Although the previous two experiments use a microphone, there is still one experiment that can be performed with the barometer that measures atmospheric pressure. Yes, if you are using a modern phone it will have a sensor. The sensor is useful not only for using GPS to obtain location but can also be used for more sophisticated functionality.

With the barometer inside, it is possible to measure pressure variations during an elevator ride. You can use the fifox app again, as it allows you to record the pressure change and even calculate the height as a function of time. Additionally, you can record accelerometer data to measure speed as a function of time.

This way, you can know the height of each building you pass. Even position-time data can be used to estimate elevator speed and compare it with the speed from acceleration data. They probably wouldn't offer the same results, but it's still a lot of fun.

Predict the next earthquake

Each smartphone incorporates an accelerometer that is being used to determine seismic disturbances. This helps predict an upcoming earthquake as well as allows individuals to evacuate the endangered space easily and on time. You can download the ' My Shake ' app and let it run in the background on your smartphone. Your smartphone's minicomputer will then differentiate between real movements and normal seismic disturbances and ultimately draw conclusions.

This way, you can use your smartphone frequently for science and Earth observations. You can collect data about Earth's chemical, physical, and biological systems. Phone sensors are ideal for taking measurements close to the surface of the ground, things that can be easily missed because of obstructions like clouds, trees or undergrowth, or because they are small.

You might be wondering that there are more experiments you can perform with your phone? And the answer is yes, they exist! But for now, you should proceed with carrying out these experiments as they are enough to get started.

Try these experiments and you will definitely love exploring these amazing uses of your smartphone!

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