Infineon Technologies has launched the new TRENCHSTOP 1700 V IGBT7 chip in the EconoDUAL 3 industrial standard package. With this new chip technology, the EconoDUAL 3 provides currents of 900 A and 750 A, enabling an improved power range for inverters. The modules suit a wide range of applications, including wind, drive and static VAR generators (SVG).
Compared to modules with the previous IGBT4 chipset, the FF900R17ME7_B11 with the TRENCHSTOP IGBT7 chip allows up to 40% higher inverter output current in the same package size. The new 1700V IGBT7 modules also feature significantly lower static and dynamic losses while addressing applications with static losses prevalent in diode chips.
Additionally, new chip technology offers greater du/dt controllability and greater diode smoothness. Induced by cosmic rays, the FIT rate was also significantly improved — an important parameter when working with high DC bus voltage. Additionally, the new power modules feature a maximum overload junction temperature of 175°C.
Alongside the best-in-class 1700V EconoDUAL 3 with 900A, a 750A module with a larger diode was also introduced to further increase the flexibility of the new portfolio. Overall, the new EconoDUAL 3 1700 V modules with the TRENCHSTOP IGBT 7 chip can increase inverter power density and reach a new level of performance in a wide range of applications.
The FF900R17ME7_B11, FF750R17ME7D_B11 and FF225R17ME7_B11 can be ordered now. The implementation of the portfolio, specifically the current classes from 300 A to 750 A, will take place at the end of 2022.