Configuração WI-FI com Beaglebone Black (Parte 11/15)

WI-FI Setup with Beaglebone Black (Part 11/15)

This tutorial explains how to connect Beaglebone to WI-FI adapter for Internet connectivity. Before proceeding, we need some basic configuration and also an internet connection. First connect the Internet via Ethernet. In this tutorial I used EDMAX which works with almost any type of WI FI adapter.

Imagem do adaptador Wi-Fi

Fig. 1: Image of the Wi-Fi adapter

Step 1: Connect to the Internet and turn on BBB. Access BBB with SSH via PC.

Step 2: First of all, update your kernel version for better WI-FI performance. (Ignore if already done)

Step 3: Once the update is complete, restart your system.

Step 4: Set the system time and date by searching the network time protocol. It detects and sets the correct time in the system. Follow the command to set the time:

ntpdate -b -s -u

Captura de tela do login root no console Linux no Beaglebone Black

Figure 2: Screenshot of root login to Linux console on Beaglebone Black

Step 5: Install git from debian repository to download it directly by cloning the link. Then check whether it is installed or not by typing the following command:

dpkg -s git

Enter the following command if it is not installed:

sudo apt-get install git

Step 4: Now, download and install the WI-FI reset script. It will reset WI-FI connectivity by enabling and disabling BBB initialization. This step is not necessary if you have the latest Kernel version.


Captura de tela da instalação do Wifi Reset Git Clone do console Linux no Beaglebone Black

Figure 3: Screenshot of installing Wifi Reset Git Clone from Linux console on Beaglebone Black

Step 5: Run the shell script file named Make sure it is located in the wifi-reset directory and also set the permission to execute.

Captura de tela da configuração de permissões para Wifi Reset Git Clone do console Linux no Beaglebone Black

Fig. 4: Screenshot of setting permissions for Wifi Reset git Clone from Linux console on Beaglebone Black

Captura de tela da configuração de permissões para Wifi Reset Git Clone do console Linux no Beaglebone Black

Fig. 5: Screenshot of setting permissions for Wifi Reset Git Clone from Linux console on Beaglebone Black

Step 6: Run the WI-FI reset script following the line:


Captura de tela da instalação do script de redefinição de Wi-Fi do console Linux no Beaglebone Black

Fig. 6: Screenshot of installing the Linux console Wi-Fi reset script on the Beaglebone Black

Step7: Now, disconnect the Ethernet connection and power cable from BBB. Plug the WI-FI adapter (i.e. EDIMAX in this tutorial) into the USB port and turn the BBB back on. Access BBB with SSH via PC.

Step 8: Check the wireless adapter configuration with the following command:


Captura de tela da verificação do adaptador sem fio do console Linux no Beaglebone Black

Figure 7: Screenshot of Linux console wireless adapter check on Beaglebone Black

Here, wlan0 displays the wireless network information. It is currently off, meaning there is no wireless connectivity to BBB.

Step 9: Change the /etc/network directory and open the network interface file. Edit the WI-FI connection information and save it.

cd /etc/rede


Captura de tela salvando informações de conexão Wi-Fi do console Linux no Beaglebone Black

Fig. 8: Screenshot saving Linux console Wi-Fi connection information on Beaglebone Black

You can see the following result:

Captura de tela das informações de conexão Wi-Fi no console Linux no Beaglebone Black

Fig. 9: Screenshot of Wi-Fi connection information in the Linux console on Beaglebone Black

Step 10: Configure WI-FI information and set your WI-FI name and password to access connectivity.

Captura de tela do nome e senha do Wi-Fi no console Linux no Beaglebone Black

Fig. 10: Screenshot of Wi-Fi name and password in Linux console on Beaglebone Black

Enable the above line (see image above) of WI-FI configuration by removing the '#' sign and write down your wifi ID and password in place of the black part as seen above.

Step 11: Now, open the WI-FI connection by following the command:

ifup wlan0

Captura de tela da configuração da conexão Wi-Fi do console Linux no Beaglebone Black

Fig. 11: Screenshot of Linux console Wi-Fi connection configuration on Beaglebone Black

Note: The response should be different, but you need to wait for DHCPOFFER and link to the Internet address.

Step 12: Finally, you have internet connection using WI-FI module. Check the ping response of any website.

For example,

Captura de tela do ping para um site do console Linux no Beaglebone Black

Fig. 12: Screenshot of pinging a website from the Linux console on Beaglebone Black

Note: Press ctrl+C to stop the ping process.

Automatic WI-FI access at startup

We have already installed wifi reset script which automatically connects to WIFI on startup. Let's check if it's working or not.

Restart your system by restart command.

After reboot, get BBB access via SSH and check the ping response again. If it responds, you can access WI-FI Internet connectivity successfully.

If not (which is a rare case), disable WI-FI reset and enable it again using the following commands:

ifdown wlan0

ifup wlan0

Enjoy your wireless connection with Beaglebone black.

Imagem do Beaglebone Black conectado ao roteador Wi-Fi

Fig. 13: Image of the Beaglebone Black connected to the Wi-Fi router

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