UE considerará extensão de medidas de salvaguarda sobre produtos siderúrgicos

EU will consider extending safeguard measures on steel products


A new investigation was launched at the request of 14 member countries of the bloc

EU safeguard measures on certain steel products, which were due to expire in mid-2024, will be reviewed for possible extension. This is stated in the European Commission (EC) report.

The new investigation was launched at the request of 14 EU member states in connection with the influx of carbon-intensive imports that threaten the sustainability of the European steel industry.

According to WTO rules, safeguard measures cannot be in force for more than 8 years. In the case of European steel measures, we are at the end of June 2026. Therefore, as the EC explained, a potential extension could be for a maximum of two additional years.

The Commission will also actively collaborate with EU steel consumers to assess whether any potential extension of safeguard measures would be in the bloc's common interest.

All interested parties (including exporting producers, third country governments, consumers, importers and EU producers) can express their views until 26 February this year. They will also be able to comment on proposals from other parties. It should be noted that the EC also distributed questionnaires to the bloc's producers to assess their economic situation.

The investigation will be completed and a decision made before the current safeguard measures end (30 June 2024).

As the GMK Center previously reported, in July 2018, the EC introduced temporary safeguard measures on steel products in response to the US decision to impose duties on steel and aluminum under Section 232. The measures were intended to prevent the diversion of imports destined for the United States. Member States to the European market and to protect local steel mills.

At the beginning of 2019, safeguard measures on certain steel products became definitive and the EC extended them until 30 June 2024. They apply to 26 categories of steel products subject to import quotas, which are subject to a duty of 25% if they are exceeded.

Furthermore, German steel regions called for the extension of EU safeguard measures against steel imports. “The Steel Alliance also calls for more steel products to be included in the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) to protect steel production in Europe.

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