Indústria da UE apela a medidas para restaurar a competitividade

EU industry calls for measures to restore competitiveness

Representatives from various sectors released the Antwerp Declaration – a ten-point plan

EU industrial leaders, representing almost 20 sectors, have signed the Antwerp Declaration on the European Industrial Agreement. This is stated in the message from the chemical industry association Cefic.

Representatives from business and industry met in Antwerp to decide on the future. They were joined by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the Belgian Prime Minister, Alexander de Kroo. They called for a European Industrial Deal on the same level as the EU Green Deal, which would help increase the competitiveness of industrial sectors during the energy transition.

“The US economy, which benefits from the financial support of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and its availability, China's excess capacity and increased exports to Europe – all of this is further increasing the pressure on European industry. Our companies face this problem every day. They close facilities, stop production and lay off people. Europe urgently needs a business case,” the statement states.

The Antwerp declaration is a 10-point plan designed to address the pressing problems of Europe's industrial landscape. In particular, it foresees the integration of the European Industrial Agreement into the European strategic agenda for the next five years, the optimization of legislation and the simplification of the state aid system.

Industrialists also call for Europe to be a globally competitive energy supplier. In his opinion, the next European Commission should prioritize projects to create sufficient and affordable nuclear and low-carbon energy.

Furthermore, the plan emphasizes the need for self-sufficiency in raw materials, stimulating the demand for ecological products and developing innovation. The signatories also highlight the single market as an asset that needs to be used and revitalized. The Declaration was signed by representatives from various sectors, including the chemical, steel and mining industries.

As the GMK Center previously reported, representatives from eleven German steel regions have formed a new national initiative, Stahlallianz (Steel Alliance), to defend their common interests. One of the main themes of its resolution is the extension of European quotas on steel imports. Furthermore, the alliance requires the government to support the steel industry to create better investment prospects.

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