Sukha Balka coloca dois novos blocos em operação na mina Yuvileyna

Sukha Balka puts two new blocks into operation at Yuvileyna mine


The total reserves of the new blocks total 332 thousand tons of ore

In February 2024, the Sukha Balka mine, part of the DCH Group, will commission two new blocks at the Yuvileyna mine. This will ensure stable operation of the mine over the next six months. This is stated in the corporate newspaper DCH Steel.

The total reserves of these two operational units – blocks 36-42, 3rd floor of the Gnizdo deposit and blocks 1-4, located in the Golovnyi deposit at a horizon of -1420 m, amount to 332 thousand tons of ore.

The drilling operations were carried out by experts from sections no. 19 and no. 1. The deep wells were drilled by employees from area no. 9 – a total of around 16 km were drilled.

Blocks 36-42 have already started producing ore, while mining in blocks 1-4, which contain around 220 thousand tons of ore, will begin next week.

In January 2024, Sukha Balka inspected and repaired its major equipment. Preventive maintenance and repairs will ensure even more stable company operations

As previously reported by Compraço, the mine produced almost 931 thousand tons of commercial iron ore in 2023. Last year, the company operated in maximum resource conservation mode. In particular, the company repaired equipment at industrial units on its own and continued to implement the equipment modernization program.

Sukha Balka specializes in underground iron ore mining and has an annual capacity of around 3.1 million tonnes, and includes the Yuvileyna and Frunze mines.

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