Metinvest lança nova cara de carvão em Pokrovsk

Metinvest launches new coal face in Pokrovsk

Development of lava reserves is expected to last more than a year

On February 21, Pokrovske Coal Group, part of Metinvest Group, commissioned the 11th longwall for coking coal production in the 10th block of Pokrovske Mining Group. The company said in a statement.

Despite the difficult mining and geological conditions, the 242 meter long 11th longwall is one of the most promising work areas. Its reserves total 993 thousand tons of coal. Mining companies plan to produce up to 2,500 tons of coal per day from this face. Longwall reserves are expected to take more than a year to be exhausted.

The launch of the new longwall is a significant event for the region and the country, says the company. Pokrovske Coal Group companies operating near the frontline provide jobs to the region's residents and internally displaced people, develop local communities, pay taxes and support the national economy.

«People will have jobs and salaries, which is very important for the teams that produce in the frontline region. Furthermore, this is a significant contribution to maintaining Ukraine's defense capabilities and replenishing budgets at all levels,” said Andriy Akulich CEO of Metinvest Pokrovskvugillia.

Since the beginning of this year, Metinvest companies in Ukraine have mined around 698 thousand tons of coal, of which almost 373 thousand tons of concentrate have been produced. By the end of 2024, the Group plans to extract 5.3 million tons of coal, produce 2.8 million tons of concentrate and commission two more longwall faces.

As Compraço previously reported, the Pokrovske Mine Administration is currently building the 11th coal production unit, which is scheduled to come into operation in 2025. This is the largest investment project in the coal industry since Ukraine's independence.

Furthermore, in 2023, Metinvest Pokrovskugol produced 3.1 million tons of coal concentrate and sank 20 km of mines.

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