A Kametstal montou a produção de esferas de grande diâmetro com uma linha adicional

Kametstal has set up large diameter ball production with an additional line


The factory uses additional capacities to produce the most popular and effective products

Kametstal has mastered the production of large diameter balls using the No. 1 ball rolling mill technology line. The company is increasing production of the most popular and efficient products. This is stated in the plant's press release .

Almost a year ago, Kametstal rollers started producing balls with the company's largest diameter – 100 mm. These balls are essential for the stable operation of mining and processing plants and are used to grind ore in ball mills. In 2023, almost 11 thousand tons of these products were sent to customers, which are manufactured on the ball rolling line No. 2 of the ball rolling workshop.

To master the production of 100 mm balls on the first production line, the rollers modernized the equipment according to their own designs. In particular, the stand was re-equipped, a reception table with a new design was produced and the loading device in front of the mill was modernized to increase its productivity.

«The development of new types of steel products with higher margins is one of the main indicators of the company's operational efficiency. The 100 ball is exactly one of these products, which is also highly sought after by consumers,” said the company.

As Compraço previously reported, in 2023, Kametstal increased its tax revenues compared to the previous year, transferring more than 2.154 billion UAH in taxes and fees to budgets at all levels. Kamianske city budget received almost 605 million UAH. More than 1.549 billion UAH was paid to regional and state budgets.

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