Recorde de 8 milhões de toneladas de carga exportadas através do corredor marítimo ucraniano em fevereiro

Record 8 million tons of cargo exported through the Ukrainian shipping corridor in February


5.2 million tons of this volume were produced by Ukrainian farmers

In February 2024, exports through the Ukrainian maritime corridor amounted to 8 million tons. This was announced on Facebook by Oleksandr Kubrakov, Deputy Prime Minister for the Restoration of Ukraine, Minister of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure.

«The cargo movement of Greater Odessa ports in the shortest month of the year was 8 million tons, of which 5.2 million tons were products of Ukrainian farmers. These are record export numbers not only for the Ukrainian corridor, but also during the full-scale invasion,” said Kubrakov.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister for Reconstruction, Ukraine is gradually approaching pre-war exports through the ports of Greater Odesa. Currently, more than 90% of all national agricultural exports pass through them and the Danube ports.

On March 1, 113 ships were waiting to approach the ports of Odesa, Chornomorsk and Pivdennyi, with almost 3 million tons of cargo to be exported.

Since the start of the Ukrainian maritime corridor (in August 2023), 42 countries have received almost 28 million tons of cargo, of which 19 million tons are grains and oilseeds.

As previously reported by Compraço, Ukraine also intends to resume the operation of container terminals in Greater Odessa ports as soon as possible, Kubrakov said in Ukraine. Forum of the year 2024. According to him, it is planned to remove some more barriers in the near future, which will allow exporting more cargo through the Ukrainian maritime corridor, mainly grains and metallurgical products.

As previously reported by Compraço, in 2023, 430 ships were accepted for loading through the maritime corridor, 400 ships were embarked and 12.8 million tons of cargo were exported. It was the operation of the corridor that largely made it possible to increase cargo transshipment in Ukrainian ports by 5% in annual terms – to 62 million tons last year, although only the port of Odesa showed a 9% increase in transshipment to 8.4 million tons last year. period under analysis.

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