Electronic cigarette is the subject of discussion at Anvisa

Electronic cigarette is the subject of discussion at Anvisa

Regulation of Electronic Cigarettes under debate at Anvisa

The discussion on the regulation of electronic cigarettes in Brazil gains prominence this Wednesday (April 17, 2024) with the Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency) meeting. The agency's directors will consider whether or not to maintain the ban on the sale, manufacture and import of these products in the country, as well as the restriction on advertising related to them.

History of the ban and public consultation

Since 2009, Anvisa has banned the production and sale of electronic cigarettes in Brazil, a decision that was reaffirmed in 2022. However, a public consultation carried out by the agency, which ended in February 2024, revealed a predominance of demonstrations against the ban, highlighting the need review of policy in relation to these products.

Legislation pending in the Senate

At the same time, bill No. 5,008 of 2023, authored by senator Soraya Thronicke (Podemos-MS), is being processed in the Senate, which seeks to establish rules for the trade and advertising of electronic cigarettes. The proposal aims to provide clearer and more comprehensive regulation on the subject, opening space for a broader and more democratic debate on the subject.

Anvisa meeting agenda

In addition to the issue of electronic cigarettes, the Anvisa meeting will also address other important issues, such as the execution of epidemiological surveillance activities in ports and airports, and the conditions of use for food additives. These themes reflect the scope of the agency's responsibilities and the importance of its actions in protecting public health.

Transmission and participation

The meeting will be held via videoconference from 9:30 am and will be broadcast on Anvisa's YouTube channel, providing transparency and accessibility to the debate. It is essential that society follows and participates in this process, contributing insights and opinions to a more informed and representative decision.

To curb the expansion of the electronic cigarette market and protect the health of Brazilians, the government must implement a comprehensive awareness and regulatory campaign. Here are some measures that can be taken:

  • Education and awareness : Promote educational campaigns in schools, universities and the media to inform the public about the health risks associated with the use of electronic cigarettes, highlighting the dangers of smoking in all its forms.
  • Restriction on advertising : Implement strict laws that prohibit the advertising and promotion of e-cigarettes in all forms of media, including television, radio, internet, print media and social media, with the aim of discouraging the use of these products, especially among young people.
  • Regulation of points of sale : Establish regulations that restrict the sale of electronic cigarettes in locations accessible to minors, such as convenience stores and kiosks, and require sales only in authorized establishments, with measures to ensure compliance with these rules.
  • Clear labeling and health information : Require e-cigarette packaging with clear and impactful warnings about health risks, as well as providing accurate information about the ingredients and potential health harms caused by the use of these devices.
  • Increased taxes and prices : Implement tax policies that increase taxes on e-cigarettes, making them less affordable and less attractive to consumers, especially younger ones, who are more price sensitive.
  • Promoting safe alternatives : Invest in smoking cessation programs and promote safe alternatives to help smokers kick the tobacco habit, such as nicotine replacement therapies and proven medications.

These combined actions could help curb the expansion of the e-cigarette market and protect public health, especially among young people, who are more susceptible to advertising appeals and may be influenced to try these products.

Concluding the News

The debate on the regulation of electronic cigarettes in Brazil is on the agenda at Anvisa, bringing to light important questions about public health, legislation and social participation. It is essential that there is a careful and comprehensive analysis of the topic, considering the different points of view and the potential impacts on the Brazilian population. The active participation of society in this process is essential to ensure a decision that promotes the safety and well-being of everyone.

Follow the broadcast of the meeting and be part of this important debate!

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