Novo rolamento de rolos de 4 carreiras SKF prolonga a vida útil em laminadores

New SKF 4-row roller bearing extends service li...

SKF has expanded its Explorer range with a four-row cylindrical roller bearing (4rCRB), aimed at demanding applications in long product rolling mills. The new SKF Explorer design...

New SKF 4-row roller bearing extends service li...

SKF has expanded its Explorer range with a four-row cylindrical roller bearing (4rCRB), aimed at demanding applications in long product rolling mills. The new SKF Explorer design...

Rolamentos livres de manutenção: como eles podem reduzir custos

Maintenance-free bearings: how they can reduce ...

Product consistency is critical for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Your name and profitability are directly linked to the performance and reliability of your products. This inc...

Maintenance-free bearings: how they can reduce ...

Product consistency is critical for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Your name and profitability are directly linked to the performance and reliability of your products. This inc...

Porque o posicionamento correto dos rolamentos é essencial

Why correct bearing positioning is essential

Today we present a specific case that demonstrates the importance of correct positioning of bearings for correct performance, for example in the industrial fan sector. Fans and...

Why correct bearing positioning is essential

Today we present a specific case that demonstrates the importance of correct positioning of bearings for correct performance, for example in the industrial fan sector. Fans and...

Os materiais e o design afetam a vida útil de um rolamento

Materials and design affect the life of a bearing

Bearings are a critical component to the reliability, efficiency and life of your equipment. Most rotating process equipment today relies on roller or rolling bearings...

Materials and design affect the life of a bearing

Bearings are a critical component to the reliability, efficiency and life of your equipment. Most rotating process equipment today relies on roller or rolling bearings...

Rolamentos de rolos bipartidos eficazes na indústria de cimento

Effective split roller bearings in the cement i...

The ever-present abrasive dust in cement plants means that the life of engine and equipment bearings is notoriously short due to ingress of particles, causing contamination.

Effective split roller bearings in the cement i...

The ever-present abrasive dust in cement plants means that the life of engine and equipment bearings is notoriously short due to ingress of particles, causing contamination.

Como otimizar o desempenho dos rolamentos

How to optimize bearing performance

Industrial rotating machines rely on bearings to reduce friction, energy consumption and heat generation while supporting increasingly heavier applied loads at speeds...

How to optimize bearing performance

Industrial rotating machines rely on bearings to reduce friction, energy consumption and heat generation while supporting increasingly heavier applied loads at speeds...