Tipos de rocha – 3 tipos principais

Rock types – 3 main types

There are three main types of rock: igneous rock, sedimentary rock and metamorphic rock.

The rock or foundation is very important in civil and building constructions. Even with a shallow foundation, it would be great if we could find the rock for the foundation. However, we cannot expect the same everywhere.

In Deep Foundations In pile construction, such as cast in situ, the pile rests on a bedrock, which is in good condition to support the applied load.

Therefore, it is very important for civil engineers to know the types of rocks that occur in the world.

sedimentary rock

Sedimentary rocks are formed by the accumulation or deposition of mineral or organic particles. This formation occurs through compaction and solidification.

Furthermore, these types of rocks are also formed from overburden fragments.

Sedimentary rocks, unlike igneous and metamorphic rocks, form near the Earth's surface.

The Earth's crust is covered by sedimentary rocks, which cover about 73% of the current Earth's surface. However, the total volume of sedimentary rock is about 8% of the volume of the crust.

Sedimentary rocks are the types of rocks that cover the earth's crust as a thin layer, while igneous and metamorphic rocks cover the rest of the rock volume.

igneous rock

Igneous rock forms from the cooling of magma and is also known as igneous rock.

Cooling rate and cooling methods have a significant impact on the formation of igneous rock types.

Igneous rock covers about 15% of the Earth's crust. Most of the oceanic crust is covered by igneous rocks.

metamorphic rock

Metamorphic rocks are formed when minerals in an existing rock are changed by heat or pressure within the Earth.

In other words, metamorphic rocks are types of rocks formed from igneous rocks and sedimentary rocks. Furthermore, it can be described as the transformation of existing rocks into new types of rocks in the process of metamorphism.

Metamorphic rock represents the majority of rocks and makes up about 12% of the Earth's crust.

The table below lists the types of rocks that fall into each category.

sedimentary rock igneous rock metamorphic rock
glacial conglomerate granite Gneiss
slate Kimberlite slate
Sandstone Lherzolite with basaltic crust slate
chalk Gabbro Jadeite
Shelly Limestone basalt garnet amphibolite
anthracite Rhyolite Marble
Iran in bands Obsidian Deformed conglomerate
Pegmatite Sphalerite ore rock
pumice stone Eclogite

sedimentary rocks

Types of igneous rocks

Types of metamorphic rocks

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