3 Human-Centered MEP Design Tips for Better Indoor Environmental Quality

Good home design goes beyond more functionality. Many homes may appear attractive on the surface, but the actual living experience may be less than ideal. What's more, people today expect a range of features that improve their quality of life.

Data shows that 70% of respondents believe that smart technologies can make life at home easier. Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) engineers face a number of challenging tasks ahead in home construction and design.

Nowadays, finding work, even for those who have already completed a master's degree in engineering, can be difficult.

According to EducatingEngineers.com, the market has become highly competitive and higher education is essential to secure good positions.

Demonstrating exceptional skills in MEP engineering will be critical to a stable career. In this article, we'll explore three indoor environmental quality tips that new MEP engineers can benefit from.

1. Plan thermal control effectively: active versus passive strategies

One of the biggest determinants of a great home environment is thermal comfort. Studies have shown that productivity and performance increase when a person is exposed to a comfortable temperature. MEP engineers need to pay close attention to the many factors that can affect thermal comfort.

Many engineers rely excessively on passive strategies for temperature control. Don't get us wrong, the building's orientation, solar influence, natural ventilation, roof and wall design are all relevant aspects.

However, an HVAC system may also be necessary. Learn and use tools like occupancy sensors, which adjust HVAC settings in unoccupied spaces. These steps can also help reduce system load and make things more efficient.

Depending on the purpose of the building, choosing which option to use (passive or active temperature control) can be a difficult decision. In some situations, engineers will have to carefully evaluate whether a combination of HVAC and passive strategies will be necessary.

2. Don't neglect noise isolation

Noise pollution is an important issue that more people are starting to take seriously. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), noise pollution can affect blood pressure, increase stress and affect productivity.

MEP engineers often underestimate noise sources during the design phase. Generally speaking, it is difficult to resolve these issues once construction is complete. Therefore, it is important to address acoustic concerns early on.

Anticipating problems such as mechanical vibration and taking steps to isolate them with isolation mounts or dampers will be key. These vibrations can come from HVAC systems, elevators, generators, water flow through pipes, and even footsteps. It can be helpful to collaborate with architects to better understand the acoustics of the room from the beginning.

3. Pay close attention to indoor air quality

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences says indoor air quality is a global issue. Although most people do not experience air pollution severe enough to kill them, it can still negatively affect their health.

It can also affect life in general, causing people to take sick days and damaging overall productivity. Less experienced MEP engineers often make a series of small errors and omissions that can become a problem.

For example, an over-reliance on recirculation without adequate filtration. In this situation, an accumulation of pollutants occurs and air quality is significantly affected. Likewise, they may forget to think about humidity control, proper placement of ventilation inlets, and occupant education.

What do we mean by educating occupants? Well, this involves explaining how to minimize the introduction of indoor pollutants through human actions.

Avoiding smoking indoors and keeping doors and windows closed when HVAC systems are active are important information. Many people tend to be unaware of these aspects. To be on the safest side, engineers must provide proper guidance to the occupants.

It's good to remember that air pollution is no laughing matter. Poor indoor air quality causes more than 3.2 million deaths annually. Therefore, treat all aspects with seriousness and respect.


As MEP engineers, one of the most important things to remember is that you never stop learning. Having a degree is just the starting point. The majority of the knowledge acquired will be through experience in the area. New engineers will want to stay curious and keep their love of learning active.

In this sense, looking for a mentor is a great idea. Historically, mentoring has been the way highly specialized skills are passed from one generation to the next. Although modern education has simplified this process, it still cannot surpass the kind of enrichment gained from individual learning in the field.

As environmental concerns continue to rise, MEP engineers will certainly encounter more people who prioritize eco-consciousness. Therefore, it may be useful to start specializing and preparing in this sense from now on.

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