Iniciando uma franquia de alimentos: o que você precisa saber

Starting a Food Franchise: What You Need to Know

The franchise business model has been applied in many industries, but the term is often associated with restaurant chains. The food industry is very competitive and a franchise offers two main advantages: replicating a proven business model and using an established brand. However, franchises in the food industry are characterized by strict requirements and you need a professional MEP design that meets your operation manuals.

MEP installations create an indoor environment suitable for humans, which means they are important in any construction project. However, a restaurant franchise has requirements that leave no room for error: food safety, adequate facilities for commercial kitchens and correct waste disposal.

Make sure your MEP installations are suitable for your franchise equipment.

Let us help you

This article provides some recommendations from professional MEP engineers when starting a food franchise. Many common problems in the food industry can be avoided with smart design decisions. The design phase also offers an excellent opportunity to improve aspects such as energy efficiency and indoor air quality .

1) HVAC performance is critical in a food franchise

commercial kitchen

HVAC systems are necessary to maintain adequate indoor conditions in all types of buildings. Its functions include removing heat in the summer, providing heat in the winter, and maintaining a constant supply of fresh air. However, HVAC systems also have high operating costs and account for more than 50% of energy use in residential and commercial buildings.

In a food franchise, a good air conditioning project has the potential to increase sales. If a restaurant is well ventilated and the temperature is comfortable, customers will want to stay longer, consuming more products. The opposite also applies: customers cannot return to a restaurant if they feel uncomfortable, even if they enjoyed the food. Some HVAC problems that can affect a restaurant include air humidity, drafts, and indoor spaces that are too cold or too hot.

In commercial kitchens, the role of HVAC systems goes beyond comfort. Air conditioning units must have sufficient capacity to remove heat released by kitchen equipment and the ventilation system must be capable of removing vapors and odors. A commercial kitchen without adequate HVAC is not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous for both kitchen staff and customers.

2) Equipment must be certified for Foodservice

kitchen equipment

Food safety is taken very seriously by franchises, as incidents in this area can seriously damage their brand image. Food safety is achieved through a combination of design measures and operational procedures, and this includes the use of certified equipment. The National Sanitation Foundation (NSF International) is the industry authority in the US and its label means that a product has passed rigorous laboratory testing.

  • NSF International has published more than 80 standards, which are used throughout the world.
  • NSF International doesn't just certify kitchen equipment. The label is also used for lighting products, plumbing and other components in areas where food is handled.
  • The NSF seal has also expanded to other industries: automotive, aerospace, water systems, construction, healthcare, etc.

Generally, NSF-certified equipment is mandatory in restaurants and other food franchises. However, purchasing equipment with the label is strongly recommended, even when not directly specified. To make sure you are purchasing equipment that has been tested for food safety, looking for the NSF label is a simple solution. Because the label requires third-party verification at approved labs, manufacturers cannot add it on their own.

3) The importance of grease traps in a food franchise

Grease Traps

A commercial kitchen produces waste such as oils, grease and solid food particles. These substances can solidify and block pipes if released into the sewer system, which can cause overflows. Unblocking the affected pipes is difficult and the contaminated water released poses a major health risk.

Grease traps are mandatory in companies with waste that can clog sewage pipes, including restaurants. In some applications, you may need a grease interceptor , which can be described as a larger version of a grease trap. Before setting up a food franchise in a commercial space, it is necessary to ensure that the plumbing system has an adequate grease trap.


Hygiene and comfort are very important in the food industry and a professional MEP engineering company can help you achieve the best performance in these areas. HVAC systems are important for comfort and health in any commercial space, but in restaurants they also impact sales and kitchen safety. You should also make sure that the restaurant's equipment is NSF certified and that the plumbing system has a grease interceptor of adequate capacity.

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