STMicroelectronics e Smart Eye demonstram sistema de monitoramento de driver de 1 LED

STMicroelectronics and Smart Eye demonstrate 1-LED driver monitoring system

Smart Eye, specializing in artificial intelligence (AI) to build technology that supports and predicts human behavior, and STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor supplier, announced the cooperative development of a high-performance 1-LED driver monitoring system (DMS). sensitivity.

STMicrocontroller's new automotive-grade 1.5-megapixel back-illuminated global shutter image sensor.

Combining Smart Eye's expertise in driver monitoring algorithms and optical system design with ST's high-sensitivity, automotive-grade global shutter VB56G4A imager, the new DMS reduces power consumption and system cost by using just one LED of lighting. Current systems typically require two or more LEDs to adequately illuminate the driver.

“The excellent performance and high sensitivity of ST's automotive-grade global shutter image sensor is an excellent match for Smart Eye's industry-proven driver monitoring algorithms,” shared Eric Aussedat, executive vice president, GM of imaging subgroup of STMicroelectronics. “By developing a sensor with a pixel size of 2.6 µm and twice the quantum efficiency of previous generation sensors, we have simplified DMS development, reduced its power consumption and reduced costs without compromising performance.”

The high-sensitivity DMS is demonstrated at this week's AutoSens and InCabin exhibitions in Brussels.

“Based on our two decades of automotive experience, proven by nearly 100 winning designs from leading automakers, we worked with ST to combine our technology with ST's advanced image sensor to eliminate at least half of expensive LEDs/lenses.” , said Martin Krantz, CEO and founder of Smart Eye. “Even with this smaller, more economical design, we have created an exceptional, no-compromise DMS demonstrator that shows how automakers can significantly improve road safety with reduced ownership costs. We are happy to support our partners and customers with our design and reference expertise in HW and SW for seamless product integration.”

The high-sensitivity DMS developed by Smart Eye and ST will be presented and demonstrated at the ST stand (#21) at AutoSens on September 12-14, at the Autoworld Museum in Brussels, and at the same location at InCabin on September 15 of September.

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