How in-house development teams should work with outsourced teams

Integrate in-house development teams with outsourced teams seamlessly! Learn best practices for clear communication, role clarity, and shared goals.

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For both managers and development team members, there simply aren't enough hours in the day to check off every item on a to-do list. When smaller tasks continue to pile up, they end up snowballing and causing extended project deadlines, lost items, and general errors that require fixing before the product launches.

Outsourcing IT and software development needs is a great option when in-house teams can no longer handle your workload. The extra hand of an outsourced team completes projects on time and within budgetary requirements, while also helping to maintain high morale.

While outsourcing is a lifesaver for busy companies with a lot of work to do, it can sometimes seem like a slightly daunting project. While it's true that outsourcing requires some adjustments to workflows and can take a little getting used to, companies of all sizes undoubtedly benefit from its many advantages.

The trick is to understand how managers need to work with outsourced team members and how in-house developers collaborate with their outsourced colleagues.

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Tips for working with outsourced team members

  • Make sure the outsourced team sees the vision and goal of the project. – Although the world already operates virtually, establishing a new project and ensuring that internal and outsourced teams are on the same page is a challenge. In-house development team members should take the time to help outsourced staff get used to their processes, work environment, and generally just help them feel welcome.
  • Communication should remain the top priority for every team member, whether they work in-house, virtually or as part of an outsourced team. – The only way projects can be accomplished is through constant and effective communication. When working with an external team unfamiliar with your new coworkers, this is even more important. In-house developers should set aside time to communicate daily with their outsourced colleagues. This can help both parties stay on schedule through real-time troubleshooting and brainstorming, while also helping outsourced engineers feel part of the team.
    Additionally, make sure communication is not only frequent but also clear and concise. Outsourcing companies are often located in countries where English is not the team's first language. To avoid miscommunication or problems, internal team members need to strive to communicate in simple, easily understood terms.
  • Strive to treat an outsourced developer like a new in-house coworker. – When companies enter an outsourcing relationship with a new team, its members become new virtual coworkers. It's a good idea for both sides to make an effort to make the other feel welcome and excited to start upcoming projects. This camaraderie will not only help boost the work environment and promote joint working relationships, it will also improve productivity levels both internally and externally.

Tips for managing an outsourced team

  • As communication is the ultimate key to success in the development world, managers should encourage and facilitate frequent communication between their internal and outsourced teams. – Without strong and regular conversations and discussions with a virtual team, companies are doomed to failure. Simply delivering a set of project requirements will not be enough. Fortunately, there are programs like Slack and Skype to make instant messaging easier. These programs are a great help when challenges and problems arise, as they allow for real-time responses. Of course, regular voice and video meetings are also a great way to bring the team together for updates and ensure everyone stays on task.
  • Use project management tools to keep projects organized and visible to all parties at all times. – When working with any type of development team, whether in the office, virtually, or in another country, it is difficult to know the status of each team member's individual tasks. With project management tools, it's easy for managers and other team members to track progress. Asana, Basecamp, Monday, and Trello are great tools that allow managers to assign tasks, create deadlines, and set goals or milestones in a visually referenceable way.
  • Before starting work, establish a leadership hierarchy with the outsourced development team. – While this may seem a little harsh, knowing who to direct problems or questions to within your existing company is a good idea. Outsourced employees know who is responsible for formal check-in. Additionally, it is essential to establish an overall plan for cross-team management.

While the idea of ​​working with a team of new people can sometimes seem like a challenge, working with an outsourcing company helps companies achieve their goals, complete projects on time and on budget, and reduce the workload of in-house employees over the long term. of time. All you need is consistent communication, a project organization established from the beginning, and a positive work environment for everyone involved.

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