A TI é pioneira nos primeiros ICs de filtro EMI ativos autônomos do setor

TI pioneers industry's first standalone active EMI filter ICs

Texas Instruments ( TI ) has launched the industry's first standalone active electromagnetic interference (EMI) filter integrated circuits (ICs), enabling engineers to implement smaller, lighter EMI filters to enhance system functionality at reduced system cost — while meeting regulatory EMI standards.

The industry's first independent active EMI filter ICs support high-density power supply designs. For more information about TI's new portfolio of power supply filter ICs, visit TI.com/AEF.

As electrical systems become increasingly dense and interconnected, EMI mitigation is a critical system design consideration for engineers.

With innovative developments from Kilby Laboratories TI's research and development labs for new concepts and innovative ideas, the new portfolio of independent active EMI filter ICs can detect and cancel common-mode EMI up to 30 dB at frequencies between 100 kHz and 3 MHz in single and three single-phase AC power systems.

This feature allows designers to reduce coil size by 50% compared to purely passive filter solutions and meet stringent EMI requirements.

“To meet customer needs for higher-performance, lower-cost systems, TI continues to advance power innovations to cost-effectively address EMI design challenges,” said Carsten Oppitz , GM for Regulator Exchange at TI. “We believe this new portfolio of standalone active EMI filter ICs will further help engineers solve their design challenges and maximize performance and power density in automotive, enterprise, aerospace and industrial applications.”

Reducing size and improving reliability
One of the main challenges when designing high-density switching regulators is how to implement a compact and efficient EMI input filter design. Through capacitive amplification, these new active EMI filter ICs allow engineers to reduce the inductance value of common mode coils by up to 80%, helping to cost-effectively achieve greater mechanical reliability and higher power density.

The new family of active EMI filter ICs consists of TPSF12C1 and TPSF12C3 for single-phase and three-phase commercial applications and TPSF12C1-Q1 and TPSF12C3-Q1 for automotive applications. These devices can efficiently reduce the heat generated in a power supply EMI filter, which also extends the life of the filter capacitor and increases system reliability.

The new active EMI filter ICs incorporate detection, filtering, gain and injection stages. Offered in a 14-pin SOT-23 package, the IC integrates compensation and protection circuitry to further reduce implementation complexity and minimize the number of external components.

Common Mode Emissions Mitigation
The Comité International Spécial des Perturbations Radioélectriques (CISPR) standards are the global reference for limiting EMI in electrical and electronic devices. The TPSF12C1, TPSF12C3, TPSF12C1-Q1 and TPSF12C3-Q1 help detect, process and reduce EMI in a wide variety of AC/DC power supplies, onboard chargers, servers, UPS and other similar systems where common mode noise dominates.

Therefore, engineers will be able to address EMI design challenges and meet EMI requirements of CISPR 11, CISPR 32 and CISPR 25.

TI's active EMI filter ICs meet IEC 61000-4-5 surge immunity requirements, thereby minimizing the need for external protection components such as transient voltage suppression (TVS) diodes. With supporting tools such as PSpice for IT simulation models and quick-start calculators, designers can easily select and implement the ideal components for their system.

To learn more about designing with this new family of active EMI filter ICs, read the white paper, “How a Standalone Active EMI Filter IC Reduces Common Mode Filter Size.”

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