
Demanda de aço fora da China crescerá 3-4% em 2024 – ArceloMittal

Steel demand outside China will grow 3-4% in 20...

Forecast for steel demand in China this year is +0-2% per year Global steelmaker ArcelorMittal expects global steel demand to grow 3-4% in 2024, excluding China, compared to...

Steel demand outside China will grow 3-4% in 20...

Forecast for steel demand in China this year is +0-2% per year Global steelmaker ArcelorMittal expects global steel demand to grow 3-4% in 2024, excluding China, compared to...

Thyssenkrupp reduz previsão de vendas e lucro para o ano fiscal 2023/2024

Thyssenkrupp reduces sales and profit forecast ...

The German conglomerate devalued the assets of its steel business for the second time in three months German industrial conglomerate Thyssenkrupp reduced its sales and net profit forecasts...

Thyssenkrupp reduces sales and profit forecast ...

The German conglomerate devalued the assets of its steel business for the second time in three months German industrial conglomerate Thyssenkrupp reduced its sales and net profit forecasts...

UE corta importações de aço em 11% em termos anuais entre janeiro e novembro – EUROFER

EU cuts steel imports by 11% year on year betwe...

Import of finished steel decreased by 13% per year in 11 months In January-November 2023, the European Union (EU) reduced steel imports (including semi-finished products) by 11% compared...

EU cuts steel imports by 11% year on year betwe...

Import of finished steel decreased by 13% per year in 11 months In January-November 2023, the European Union (EU) reduced steel imports (including semi-finished products) by 11% compared...

A Acciaierie d'Italia produziu cerca de 3 milhões de toneladas de aço em 2023

Acciaierie d'Italia produced around 3 million t...

Currently, the company's warehouse stocks reach 1 million tons of raw materials and finished products Italian steelmaker Acciaierie d'Italia (ADI), a joint venture between Arcel...

Acciaierie d'Italia produced around 3 million t...

Currently, the company's warehouse stocks reach 1 million tons of raw materials and finished products Italian steelmaker Acciaierie d'Italia (ADI), a joint venture between Arcel...

Liberty Galaty reinicia alto-forno nº 5 após desligamento em janeiro

Liberty Galaty restarts blast furnace No. 5 aft...

Company sees improvement in demand for thick plates and hot coils Liberty Galati, a Romanian steel company that is part of the GFG Alliance group of companies owned by Sanjeev...

Liberty Galaty restarts blast furnace No. 5 aft...

Company sees improvement in demand for thick plates and hot coils Liberty Galati, a Romanian steel company that is part of the GFG Alliance group of companies owned by Sanjeev...

Desempenho do corredor marítimo ucraniano durante meio ano

Performance of the Ukrainian maritime corridor ...

Two-thirds of export cargo through the ports of Greater Odessa are agricultural products Half a year of operation of the sea corridor has shown that Ukrainian exporters of the agro-industry...

Performance of the Ukrainian maritime corridor ...

Two-thirds of export cargo through the ports of Greater Odessa are agricultural products Half a year of operation of the sea corridor has shown that Ukrainian exporters of the agro-industry...