
A Ucrânia aumentou a receita das exportações de metais ferrosos em 65% a/a em janeiro

Ukraine increased revenue from ferrous metal ex...

Ferrous metals accounted for 8.1% of the total volume of export revenues for the month. In January 2024, Ukrainian steel companies increased their revenues from exports...

Ukraine increased revenue from ferrous metal ex...

Ferrous metals accounted for 8.1% of the total volume of export revenues for the month. In January 2024, Ukrainian steel companies increased their revenues from exports...

As siderúrgicas europeias avaliaram positivamente a revisão das medidas de salvaguarda da UE

European steelmakers positively assessed the re...

This is a step towards further solving the problem of global overcapacity The launch of the review of safeguard measures on steel products announced by the European Commission...

European steelmakers positively assessed the re...

This is a step towards further solving the problem of global overcapacity The launch of the review of safeguard measures on steel products announced by the European Commission...

Os volumes de construção na UE diminuirão 0,4% em termos anuais em 2024 – EUROFER

Construction volumes in the EU will decrease by...

In 2025, industry indicators are expected to recover – by 2% per year EUROFER, the European steel association, predicts a 0.4% decline in EU construction in 2024 compared to 202...

Construction volumes in the EU will decrease by...

In 2025, industry indicators are expected to recover – by 2% per year EUROFER, the European steel association, predicts a 0.4% decline in EU construction in 2024 compared to 202...

Governo pede ao NBU que permita a venda de moeda estrangeira a grandes empresas para pagar Eurobonds

Government asks NBU to allow the sale of foreig...

The list includes the companies Interpipe and Metinvest The Cabinet of Ministers asked the National Bank of Ukraine to allow the sale of foreign currency to large companies and national...

Government asks NBU to allow the sale of foreig...

The list includes the companies Interpipe and Metinvest The Cabinet of Ministers asked the National Bank of Ukraine to allow the sale of foreign currency to large companies and national...

CE aprova 4,6 mil milhões de euros para projetos de hidrogénio alemães

EC approves 4.6 billion euros for German hydrog...

24 hydrogen production projects will be financed. Its total value reaches 8 billion euros The European Commission (EC), within the scope of the Important Project Hydrogen program of Interest...

EC approves 4.6 billion euros for German hydrog...

24 hydrogen production projects will be financed. Its total value reaches 8 billion euros The European Commission (EC), within the scope of the Important Project Hydrogen program of Interest...

JSW Steel e JFE Steel estabelecem joint venture na Índia

JSW Steel and JFE Steel establish joint venture...

Companies invest around US$663 million in the production of electrical steel JSW Steel will establish a joint venture with the Japanese JFE Steel Corporation. The companies will invest 55 billion...

JSW Steel and JFE Steel establish joint venture...

Companies invest around US$663 million in the production of electrical steel JSW Steel will establish a joint venture with the Japanese JFE Steel Corporation. The companies will invest 55 billion...