Třinecké železárne, tcheco, investirá US$ 63,2 milhões em descarbonização em 2024

Třinecké železárne, Czech, will invest US$63.2 million in decarbonization in 2024


Projects planned for 2024 will contribute to sustainable steel production, energy conservation and emissions reduction

Czech steel company Třinecké železárne (TŽ) plans to invest 1.5 billion CZK (US$63.2 million) in the decarbonization of its facilities in 2024. This is stated in a company press release .

The investment will contribute to maximizing process automation, reducing CO 2 emissions, energy savings and the first concrete steps towards sustainable steel production.

“An important milestone in the transformation of the main steel production unit will be the completion of the necessary documentation to begin preparatory work for the steel production decarbonization project, which will culminate in the construction of a new electric arc furnace by 2030,” comments TŽ CEO Romano Heide.

The electric arc furnace will replace half of the existing blast furnace and converter-type capacities.

The largest volume of investments in 2024 will be directed towards improving the production of Třinec rails. A new technology for its heat treatment, estimated to cost around 900 million crowns, will be launched in November.

“This will allow us to expand our product portfolio and offer a product with a longer shelf life,” added TŽ Technical Director Henryk Gučala.

It is also planned to build an iron ore briquetting line with the aim of reducing the carbon footprint of steel production. The installation will reduce CO 2 emissions by 70 thousand tons per year.

Another important investment measure will be the modernization of the preheating unit for the air heater of blast furnace No. 4, which will contribute to fuel and electrical energy savings. Thus, the project will reduce CO 2 emissions by almost 19 thousand tons per year. Furthermore, gas savings will be guaranteed by the installation of new burners in several heated stations of the metallurgical plant, which will run on coke oven gas.

As Compraço previously reported, in 2023, Třinecké Železárny planned to invest more than one billion CZK (45.2 million dollars) in the optimization and decarbonization of production processes. The resources were expected to be used to improve product quality, reduce energy consumption and increase the recycling of metallurgical gases.

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