UE lança novo projeto para reciclar subprodutos do aço

EU launches new project to recycle steel by-products


The initiative brings together a consortium of nine partners from six European countries

The EU has launched a new project, ZHyRON, which involves the introduction of a new process for processing steel by-products based on the use of green hydrogen. This is stated in the message from the Swedish manufacturer of metal structures and metal products GreenIron.

The project is funded by the European Health and Digital Agency (HaDEA) as part of the Clean Steel Partnership program. It brings together a consortium of nine partners from six European countries.

Funded by the EU, ZHyRON aims to pave the way to increase the value of steel by-products rich in iron and zinc.

“The aim of the ZHyRON project is to transform the current linear steel production process into a circular and sustainable flow of resources,” said Maciej Kaplan from GreenIron in Sweden.

The project will explore solutions related to technical integration, economic viability and environmental considerations. This will contribute to the development of innovative business models and strategies for extracting iron and zinc from steel waste using hydrogen as a reducing agent.

From a technical point of view, the initiative's approach involves a combination of the pyro and hydrosteel stages. The recovered iron oxides will be converted into directly reduced iron suitable for use in electric arc furnaces, while the extracted zinc will be processed into zinc oxide concentrate for use in a variety of sectors, from batteries to agriculture, as well as for water treatment. waste and reuse.

As previously reported by Compraço, Thyssenkrupp Materials Services, a global distributor of materials and services, and CarbonChain, a UK-based software solutions provider, have announced a partnership. Companies will promote steel procurement with the help of a new carbon tracking tool.

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