Metinvest Pokrovskvugillia está gradualmente aproximando o lançamento da unidade No.11

Metinvest Pokrovskvugillia is gradually approaching the launch of unit No.11

This is the largest investment project in the coal industry during all the years of Ukraine's independence

Metinvest Pokrovskvugillia is gradually bringing the construction of a new unit 11 closer to completion. This is stated in the company 's press release .

The construction of Unit 11 is the largest investment project in the coal industry during the years of Ukraine's independence. The well-being of the region where it operates and its residents will depend on its implementation.

Currently, the ventilation shaft complex is built on the industrial site, and the next step is to prepare the air supply shaft facilities. In 2023, the company installed 400 tons of metal structures, sank 378 meters of capital mining, laid 9 thousand square meters of asphalt pavement, 1.2 thousand square meters of asphalt pavement and carried out 824 cubic meters of buffering.

«Commissioning of Unit 11 was scheduled for the end of 2024. However, due to the war, this deadline had to be postponed. However, SBSK and ShBMU1, with the fruitful support of the Svyato-Pokrovsk mine, are bringing our mine closer to launch every day,” the statement said.

As previously reported by Compraço, in 2023, the mine produced 3.1 million tons of coal concentrate and sank 20 km of mines. Construction of air feed shaft No. 3 is also underway.

In 2023, the Pokrovsk unit of the Metinvest Group will pay about 4 billion UAH in taxes to budgets of all levels, including about 700 million in regional taxes.

In 2024 and 2025, Metinvest Pokrovskvugillia plans to produce 2.8 million tons of coal concentrate.

Metinvest Pokrovskvugillia comprises several companies of the Pokrovske Coal Group, including Pokrovsk Mine Administration and Svyato-Varvarinska Concentrator. These companies are involved in raw coal mining, enrichment and subsequent sale in the form of coal concentrate.

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