Industeel construirá um CCM vertical em uma fábrica na França

Industeel will build a vertical MCC at a factory in France

Investments in the construction of the unit amount to 52 million euros

Steelmaker Industeel, a subsidiary of ArcelorMittal Downstream Solutions, has started construction of a vertical continuous casting machine (CCM) at its factory in Le Creusot, France. Investments in the project amount to 52 million euros. This was reported by Kallanish .

After the unit comes into operation, the company will expand its product portfolio with lightweight plates up to 35 cm thick. Products will be made from carbon, stainless steel and nickel-based alloys for a variety of sectors, including clean energy and the automotive industry.

The initial capacity will be 30 thousand tons of slabs per year, with plans to increase this to 50 thousand tons per year. The new CCM will help reduce energy consumption, cut CO 2 emissions by 10% per year and production costs, in addition to optimizing the entire production process.

The equipment will be supplied by the Italian company Danieli. The launch of the CCM is scheduled for May 2025. The unit will feature a wide range of Danieli 3Q technology packages.

In 2017, Danieli modernized an Industeel plate machine at the company's factory in Charleroi, Belgium.

As previously reported by Compraço, Danieli notes the high demand for electric arc furnaces in the global market. The company currently has unfinished orders for 30 ovens and has secured enough orders for 2 to 3 years.

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