State of Palestine recognized by Norway, Ireland and Spain

State of Palestine recognized by Norway, Ireland and Spain

Norway, Ireland and Spain Formally Recognize the State of Palestine: A Framework for Peace?

On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Norway, Ireland and Spain formally recognized the State of Palestine. The announcement, initially made on May 22, was made official by authorities from the three countries, who are now seeking to establish direct diplomatic relations with Palestinian leaders.

What does the recognition of Palestine mean?

The recognition of the State of Palestine by Norway, Ireland and Spain is a significant step in international relations and the search for peace in the Middle East. This act symbolizes support for the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people to have their own state, coexisting peacefully alongside Israel.

  • International Recognition : This recognition adds weight to the global movement for the creation of a Palestinian state, increasing pressure on Israel and other countries to consider peaceful and diplomatic solutions.

Leaders' Statements

The Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, emphasized that this is the time to act beyond words, highlighting that recognition is an urgent need to achieve peace.

  • Pedro Sánchez : "Recognition of the State of Palestine is not only a matter of historical justice with the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people. It is also an urgent need to achieve peace."

Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris highlighted that the measure is a viable alternative to Hamas' nihilism, calling on Israel to reconsider its actions in Gaza.

  • Simon Harris : "We wanted to recognize Palestine at the end of a peace process, however, we made this move alongside Spain and Norway to keep the miracle of peace alive."

Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre has argued that recognition of Palestine is essential to support moderate forces in the protracted conflict.

  • Jonas Gahr Støre : "Recognition of Palestine is a means of supporting the moderate forces that have been losing ground in this prolonged and brutal conflict."

International Reactions

In response, the Israeli government ordered its ambassadors to Norway and Ireland to return immediately, and announced that it would do the same in the case of Spain. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz criticized the decision, arguing that it could reward terrorist actions and hamper peace negotiations.

  • Israel Katz : "The countries aim to send a message to the Palestinians and the entire world that terrorism pays. Recognition could impede negotiations for the return of hostages captured by Hamas."

Global Context

To date, 142 countries have recognized Palestinian sovereignty, including Argentina, Brazil, the Vatican, Russia, China and India. This movement by Norway, Ireland and Spain could influence other countries to follow the same path, further increasing the number of nations that support the creation of a Palestinian State.

  • Broad International Recognition : The growing recognition of Palestine by countries around the world demonstrates a trend of global support for the two-state solution as a path to peace in the Middle East.

The recognition of Palestine by Norway, Ireland and Spain could have complex implications for Israel's operations and advances in Rafah and elsewhere. Here are some points to consider:

Diplomatic Impact

International Isolation : Recognition could increase Israel's diplomatic isolation, placing more international pressure on its actions in Gaza and other Palestinian territories. Countries that recognize Palestine can publicly condemn Israeli military operations, limiting the international support Israel can receive.

Palestinian Legitimacy : With more countries recognizing Palestine, Palestinians gain greater legitimacy and international support. This could strengthen the position of Palestinian leaders in international negotiations and forums, challenging Israel's actions.

Operational Effects

Pressure for Ceasefire : Increased international pressure could lead to stronger calls for a ceasefire or restriction of Israel's military operations. This could make it difficult to continue operations in Rafah and other areas.

Diplomatic Retaliations : Israel may respond to recognition by withdrawing ambassadors or imposing diplomatic sanctions against countries that recognized Palestine. This could create a tense diplomatic environment, which could affect military operations indirectly.

Internal and External Reactions

Domestic Reactions in Israel : Recognition could lead to a hardening of the position of the Israeli government and segments of the population, increasing support for more intense military operations to demonstrate strength and determination.

Response by Militant Groups : Palestinian militant groups such as Hamas may interpret recognition as a sign of international support for their cause, potentially intensifying their activities in response to Israeli operations.

Strategic Considerations

Peace Negotiations : The recognition of Palestine can be seen as an impetus for peace negotiations based on the two-state solution. However, if Israel perceives this as an act of provocation, it could harden its position in negotiations, hindering diplomatic progress.

Operations in Rafah : Specifically in Rafah, recognition could lead to an increase in international media coverage and attention to human rights, putting pressure on Israel to moderate its actions to avoid international condemnation.


The recognition of the State of Palestine by Norway, Ireland and Spain represents a significant advance on the global diplomatic stage. This move not only reinforces Palestinian aspirations, but also sends a clear message about the importance of seeking peaceful and diplomatic solutions to protracted conflicts. The action of these countries could serve as a catalyst for others to follow suit, potentially influencing the course of Middle East peace negotiations.

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