DMZ embarcou 3,7 mil toneladas de produtos laminados para clientes em janeiro

DMZ shipped 3,700 tons of rolled products to customers in January

Metallurgical coke production in the month increased by 64.4% per year

In January 2024, the Dnipro Metallurgical Plant (DMZ) shipped 3.7 thousand tons of rolled products to customers. There was no production in the month, while in January 2023 the factory produced 8.8 thousand tons of rolled products. This is stated in the corporate newspaper Aço DCH.

«Rolling mills No. 1 and No. 2 did not roll steel in January and finished and shipped products manufactured in December. The workshops are repairing the main and auxiliary equipment, and the next rolling campaign will begin in the last decade of February at Rolling Workshop No. 2,” the company informed.

In January 2024, metallurgical coke production increased by 64.4% compared to the same period last year – to 22.7 thousand tons.

Currently, the company is restoring coke oven masonry using the ceramic coating method. In January, the company repaired and put furnace No. 436 back into operation, which had been out of service for about a year due to the destruction of the masonry during the blackouts. Additionally, three sections of a major viaduct were replaced at the coke production facility and other maintenance repairs were carried out.

«The investment project to repair the masonry of the coke oven heating walls began last summer and will continue in 2024», adds the DMZ.

In 2023, DMZ increased laminated production by 86.2% compared to 2022, to 105.6 thousand tons. Last year, the company's metallurgical coke production increased by 38.5% compared to 2022, to 292.7 thousand tons.

Last year, DMZ rolling mills focused on the production of mine racks, mine rails, small volumes of channels and corners for the Ukrainian market. Furthermore, the company has resumed production of profiles in accordance with European standards.

Usina Metalúrgica Dnipro is a full-cycle steel company that is part of the DCH group. Produces semi-finished and molded laminated products: channels, angles, rails.

Its main products are square billets (exported to Turkey and Egypt), channels (wide export geography: countries in Europe, Asia, Africa) and pig iron (mainly exported to Turkey).

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