Correios abre concurso para nível médio e superior: Confira as vagas disponíveis

Correios opens competition for secondary and higher education: Check available vacancies

Correios opens competition for secondary and higher education: Check available vacancies

Correios announces Public Tender: Opportunities and preparations

Correios is about to hold a public competition with vacancies for agent and analyst positions. This announcement has generated great expectations among those interested in joining the state-owned company. Let's explore more details about this important event:

Vacancies and Requirements

  • The competition will offer vacancies for the positions of agent and analyst, with secondary and higher education requirements, respectively.
  • The exact number of vacancies has yet to be defined, but the expectation is that opportunities will be offered in several areas.

Specialties of the Analyst Position

  • The analyst position will cover several specialties, such as lawyer, systems analyst, social worker and engineer.
  • These choices reflect the demand identified by the company, seeking to meet specific needs in different areas of activity.

Contest Schedule

  1. Banking Planning and Hiring: By July, preparations and the process of hiring the specialized company will be underway.
  2. Publication of the Notice: Scheduled for September, the competition notice will be widely publicized, providing all the necessary information for candidates.
  3. Start of Hiring: From December onwards, those approved in the competition will begin to be called up to take up their positions at Correios.

Current Management Commitment

  • The public tender is seen as an essential commitment of the current management of Correios.
  • The initiative aims to solve the accumulated demand for more professionals in strategic positions within the company, aiming to avoid work overload and guarantee the smooth functioning of postal services.

Concluding the News

The public competition announced by Correios represents a unique opportunity for those who wish to be part of this century-old institution. With vacancies for different levels of education and in different areas, the initiative promises to renew and strengthen the company's staff. Now, it is up to interested parties to prepare for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

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Source: Agência Brasil .

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